Technical University of Denmark

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LASCAR Experiment

online resource
posted on 2019-01-30, 08:02 authored by Elliot SimonElliot Simon, Guillaume Lea
The LASCAR campaign is a field experiment originally conducted to provide data for building and testing lidar based minute-scale forecasting models. The measurement goal was to capture the dominant westerly inflow to the Risø test site.

This was achieved by deploying 3 scanning lidars in a compact area surrounding building 313 at Risø. One unit (Sirocco) was stationed on the roof of the building and performed fast (13 s/scan) repeating PPI scans facing west with an elevation angle of zero degrees. This provides 2D horizontal slices of the wind inflow. Another scanning lidar (Whittle) was deployed on the ground in front (west) of the building, and performed repeating RHI scans (26 s/scan) to provide 2D vertical slices of the wind inflow. The third scanning lidar (Brise) was deployed on the ground behind (east) of the building and performed repeating 5-beam DBS scans to provide vertical profiles of the horizontal winds. Measurements from a nearby (V52 calibration) met-mast are also included in the dataset.

A complete written description of the experiment will be available in a forthcoming PhD thesis by Elliot Simon.

This is an original dataset. The lidar portion represents a level 2.3 data product in the FAIR lidar data schematics, that is geo-located radial velocities stored in NetCDF files with dimensions of time, range and line-of-sight number.
The met-mast data format is a labelled HDF5 file.


DTU Wind Energy



DTU Risø Campus (55° 41' 21.2604'' N, 12° 6' 1.6632'' E)


From 2017-10-12 to 2018-02-27


  • Siting;>Wind Mapping
  • Siting;>Resource assessment
  • Siting;>Design conditions;>Turbulence
  • Operation & maintenance;>Forecasting
  • Wind power plant;>Wind farm control
  • Wind power plant;>Performance


  • Not applicable


  • Measurements;>Field experiment

External conditions

  • Location;>Onshore;>Inland
  • Location;>Onshore;>Other
  • Topography;>Forest
  • Terrain type;>Complex;>Escarpment
  • Terrain type;>Flat
  • Terrain type;>Other
  • Water depth category;>Shallow water
  • Topography;>Semi-urban

Data category

  • Meteorological data


Michael Courtney