The AI4Arctic / ASIP Sea Ice Dataset - version 2 (ASID-v2) contain
461 Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) scenes matched with sea
ice charts produced by the Danish Meteorological Institute in 2018-2019.
Ice charts contain sea ice concentration, stage of development and
form of ice, provided in manual drawn polygons. The ice charts have been
projected into the the S1 geometry for easy use as labels in deep
learning or other machine learning algorithm training
The dataset also includes AMSR2 microwave radiometer sensor
measurements to compliment the learning of the of sea ice concentrations
although in a much lower resolution than the Sentinel-1 data.
Details are described in the manual that is published together with the dataset.
The manual has been revised, the latest is the 30-09-2020 version.
ESA Contract No. 4000129762/20/I-NB and Innovation Fund Denmark, Grant: 7049-00008B