A set of 21 room impulse responses simulated in ODEON (commercial and proprietary software, www.odeon.dk) and auralized for the audio-visual immersion lab (AVIL, 64 channels; Ahrens et al., 2019), using the LORA toolbox (Favrot et al., 2010).
The dataset contains seven azimuth locations (-90:30:90 degrees) and three distances (1.4m, 2.4m, 3.4m).
IR01 refers to -90degrees (left), 1.4m distance.
IR07 refers to 90degrees (right), 1.4m distance.
IR08 refers to -90degrees (left), 2.4m distance.
IR21 refers to 90degrees (right), 3.4m distance.
This database contains the loudspeaker impulse responses, the ODEON room model as well as the raw ODEON output files.