Technical University of Denmark

Acoustic frequency responses of an empty cuboid room

posted on 2021-04-12, 06:21 authored by Manuel Hahmann, Samuel Arturo Verburg RiezuSamuel Arturo Verburg Riezu, Efren Fernandez GrandeEfren Fernandez Grande

# Room frequency responses from an empty, cuboid room

Room frequency responses, from a measurement campaign at the Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, DTU building 352, "flanking transmission room" 011 on 29-30th of April 2019. The measurements were conducted by Samuel A. Verburg and Manuel Hahmann. This work is funded by Villum Fonden through Villum Young Investigator grant number 19179 for the project 'Large-scale Acoustic Holography'.

This dataset is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Please cite as

Hahmann, Manuel; Verburg Riezu, Samuel Arturo (2021): Acoustic frequency responses of an empty cuboid room. Technical University of Denmark. Dataset.

Feel free to get in touch if you have questions or would like to access the data in higher resolution.

## Room

The responses were recorded in an empty, lightly damped, cuboid laboratory room with dimensions (l_x, l_y, l_z) = (3.31, 4.41, 2.97) m and volume V = 43.35 m^3, a reverberation time of approx.~T_{60} = 2.7 s and a Schröder frequency f_S = 500 Hz.

## Setup

A UR5 robotic arm (Universal Robots, Odense, Denmark) was used to precisely and automatically position a 1/2 inch free field condenser measurement microphone (Brüel&Kjäer, Nærum, Denmark) at the measurement positions. A BM6 loudspeaker (Dynaudio, Skanderborg, Denmark) placed in a room corner was used to excite the room with 10 s wideband logarithmic sweeps.

## Measurement

Impulse responses were measured from 20 Hz to 20 kHz with 0.1 Hz resolution. (1 Hz resolution included in the data set) A total of 2023 impulse responses were measured, distributed on seven planar, square apertures of 0.8 x 0.8 m^2 (shown as red squares in the sketch, corresponding to seven robot positions.) Each square domain constitutes a regularly spaced 17 x 17 grid with 50 mm spacing.

- robot position 0 at (x,y,z) (1650, 2200, 1585) mm

- robot position 1 at (x,y,z) (1250, 3000, 1585) mm

- robot position 2 at (x,y,z) (2050, 3000, 1585) mm

- robot position 3 at (x,y,z) (1250, 2200, 1585) mm

- robot position 4 at (x,y,z) (2050, 2200, 1585) mm

- robot position 5 at (x,y,z) (1250, 1400, 1585) mm

- robot position 6 at (x,y,z) (2050, 1400, 1585) mm

## Repository content

- : this readme

- empty_cuboid_room_sketch.pdf : sketch drawing

- empty_cuboid_room_photo.pdf : photograph

- empty_cuboid_room_frequency_responses.h5 : Hierarchical Dataset with RIRs

- version: timestamp when this package was created

- info: this readme string

- position_0...6

- frequency : frequency vector in steps of .1 Hz from 0 to 10 kHz (10001)

- id : measurement sequence ordering (289)

- xyz : measurement position (x,y,z) in mm (289x3)

- response : response for each frequency and position (10001x289)

![Sketch \label{fig:sketch}](./empty_cuboid_room_sketch.pdf)

![Photograph \label{fig:photo}](./empty_cuboid_room_photo.pdf)


'Large Scale Acoustic Holography' Villum Young Investigator grant number 19179
