Technical University of Denmark

Advancing water footprint assessments: Combining the impacts of water pollution and scarcity

posted on 2023-02-02, 07:32 authored by Eleonore Alisee Sarah Pierrat, Martin DorberMartin Dorber, Alexis LaurentAlexis Laurent, Michael Zwicky HauschildMichael Zwicky Hauschild, Francesca VeronesFrancesca Verones, Martin Rygaard

This dataset is part of the support material from the publication : Pierrat E., Laurent A., Dorber M., Rygaard M., Verones F., Hauschild M., 2023. Advancing water footprint assessments: combining the impacts of water pollution and scarcity. Science of the total environment. In press. 

This file presents the Water Footprint Impact Assessment results of the EU27 for the year 2010 (.gpkg) and they can be visualized with a GIS software (e.g., QGIS). The method to obtain the maps is described in the main publication.

The file "LCIA_EQ.gpkg"  and "LCIA_NR.gpkg" contain the maps of the Water Biodiversity Footprint and the Water Resource Footprint for all river basins, respectively.


Fraunhofer-DTU project EDES (eco-design Stewardship)


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