Technical University of Denmark

Albanian national electricity consumption and weather conditions for 2016-2019

posted on 2023-05-12, 08:42 authored by Kristian SevdariKristian Sevdari

The following dataset is published as part of the following paper " Sevdari, K., Islami, A., Haxhiraj, E. and Voshtina, E., 2022. A Data-Driven Assessment of the Electricity Demand-the Case of Albania. In 2022 International Conference on Renewable Energies and Smart Technologies. IEEE."  Please cite the paper when using this dataset. Link of the paper: 

The dataset is in Excel file format. 

There are 14 columns that represent: 

1-Time: Month/Day/Year Hour  (calendar format)

2-Time_double: hours for 1 year (double format)

3-Load: The hourly electricity consumption in MWh for Albania

4-full_temp: The hourly temperature values in degrees Celsius taken from a weather station in the capital, Tirana.

5-full_humid: The hourly humidity values in % taken from a weather station in the capital, Tirana.

6-full_rain: The hourly rain conditions taken from a weather station in the capital, Tirana. 1 means a rainy hour and 0 means a clear (no rain) hour.

7-Muaj: Muaj (Albanian) or Months (English). This variable counts the months each hour belongs to.

8-Ditet: Ditet (Albanian) or Days (English). This variable counts the days each hour belongs to.

9-Ore: Ore (Albanian) or Hours (English). This variable counts the hours of each day and repeats itself.

10-Pushimet: Pushimet (Albanian) or Holidays-weekends (English). This variable identifies the weekend hours. 1 means a weekend hour and 0 means a week hour.

11-Oret e nates: Night hours (English). This variable distinguishes between night and day hours.

12- Pushimet vjetore: Yearly official holidays (English). This variable identifies the hours that fall under official yearly holidays in Albania.

13-Oret e nates_2 : Night hours _ 2 (English). This variable distinguishes between night and day hours.

14- Oret e pikut:  Peak consumption hours (English). This variable identifies the hours of peak consumption.



  • Other


  • Electrical;>Other


  • Other

External conditions

  • Other

Data category

  • Meteorological data
  • Other data


Kristian Sevdari, Albi Islami, Elgi Haxhiraj, Elio Voshtina

ORCID for corresponding depositor

Usage metrics

    DTU Wind



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