Baltic Sea Salmon Authentication
The data is official food control data of dioxin and PCB concentration level that were analysed in salmon samples acquired by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (Fødevarestyrelsen).
One-class classification models (data driven soft independent modelling of class analogy (DD-SIMCA)) were built for the authentication of the geographical origin of Baltic Sea salmon using the mdatools package (please refer to References).
The script and the data can be viewed as presented or modified (e.g. different combinations of training and test set data can be tested). In addition, the suggested DD-SIMCA models can be applied to new independent Dioxin and PCB profiling data (please refer to the license text).
Kucheryavskiy S (2020). “mdatools — R package for chemometrics.” Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 198.