Performance data from the building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) façade test site at DTU Risø campus (55.6958 °N, 12.1050 °E) collected between 01/09/2022 and 01/09/2023.
Files contained within this dataset:
overview.csv: List, description and units of all variables contained in the remaining data files.
module_STC_parameters.csv: Measured STC parameters for each module on the south and west façade, based on IV-flashtests corrected to STC using IEC 60891:2021 procedure 4.
data_10sec.csv: Electrical data from inverters, back-of-module temperatures from Pt100 sensors, plane-of-array irradiance from in-plane pyranometers on the south and west façades of the test site. Also includes irradiance and weather data from nearby weather station.
data_5min.csv: MPP performance data from power optimizers connected to individual PV modules on the south and west façades of the BIPV test site.