Technical University of Denmark

CFD simulation results on the propeller-induced flow of an octocopter-UAV in hover

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posted on 2023-05-23, 10:13 authored by Mauro GhirardelliMauro Ghirardelli

The dataset consists of CFD simulation results on the propeller-induced flow of an octocopter UAV in hover. 

The simulations are obtained using RANS, the k − ε turbulence model, and the actuator disc theory. System geometry, mesh construction, and calculations were done using the commercial software Ansys Fluent 2022 R1.

Further details on the geometry design (e.g. computational domain, UAV architecture, boundary conditions), mesh construction,  calculations setup, and reading of the dataset can be found in the ReadMe file.


EU H2020 Marie Curie Train2Wind project no. 861291

Training school on entrainment in offshore wind power

European Commission

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  • Other


  • Flow;>RANS


  • Modeling

External conditions

  • Other

Data category

  • Other data

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