Technical University of Denmark
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Cape Verde Reference System v2.0

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posted on 2022-02-18, 08:54 authored by Daniel PomboDaniel Pombo

Author: Daniel Vázquez Pombo (, ORCID:


The paper related to this dataset is currently under review.

Title: A Multi-Purpose Reference System Based on the Hybrid Power Grid of Cape Verde

Submmited: Dec 2021

Accepted:  22 June 2022 

Published:  22 June 2022 


The folder contains the one and only Cape Verde Reference System. The .zip file contains all the necessary data to model the Integrated Energy Systems of São Vicente and Santiago islands.

The vast majority of the data is provided by Electra and Cabeólica; the TSO and biggest renewable utility in Cape Verde respectively.

Do not hesitate on contacting me if you require additional data not yet included, or if you encounter any problem. This repository is suffering ongoing development and thus, the datasets are continuously expanding. Any sort of feedback is welcomed.

Remember to cite us and recommend it to your peers.

Also my email is above if you would like to use the CVRS in your research and are looking for a collaborator.


The first version of this dataset is available here ->


Until the paper gets published you can cite it as:


author = "Daniel Vazquez Pombo",

title = "{Cape Verde Reference System v2.0}", year = "2022",

month = "Feb",

url = "",

doi = "10.11583/DTU.17430413.v1",

note = {Retrieved from {DTU-Data}, \url{}, {DOI}: {10.11583/DTU.17430413.v1}},



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