Technical University of Denmark

Chemostat data on microbial degradation of permafrost derived dissolved organic matter in the Arctic coastal zone - Bruhn et al. 2021

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posted on 2021-03-16, 10:41 authored by Anders Dalhoff Bruhn Jensen, Colin StedmonColin Stedmon
The data has been generated from a chemostat experiment performed in June 2019. The data contain bacterial (bacterial abundance, bacterial community composition) spectral (absorbance and fluorescence) and chemical data (nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, total dissolved nitrogen). The data has been used in the published article "Terrestrial dissolved organic matter mobilized from eroding permafrost controls microbial community composition and growth in Arctic coastal waters" by Bruhn et al. 2021."

Explanation of filename (e.g. FLU1C01):

1. First three letters (FLU, LAC, MOR) relates to the glacial deposit type.
2. The following number refers to chemostat replicate within each deposit type (1,2,3,4)
3. The letter C or M between the numbers refers to Culture or Medium (the two components of a classic chemostat setup)
4. The last number refers to the day of sampling, but from the start the FLU chemostats (FLU was started day0, MOR was started day1, LAC was started day2)

The spectral data is saved as .dat files and can be opened with MatLab. I recommend downloading DrEEM toolbox to explore the dataset. DrEEM toolbox can be downloaded from the website

The rest of the data (bacterial and chemical) is saved in excel files.

If anything is missing, do not hestitate to write me on my email:

Anders Dalhoff Bruhn


Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation

European Commission

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