This file explains what data is in the different folders
- Frequency response polynomial approximations
Contains the frequency response data from the polynomial approximations of the real force
The polynomial degree and whether gravity was included or not is in the file names
The data contains the following variables:
- A: An array of the free magnet peak to peak amplitude at the end of the simulation in the forward direction
- P1: An array of the average generated power in the top coil at the end of the simulation
- P2: An array of the average generated power in the bottom coil at the end of the simulation
- w: An array of the driving anglar frequencies used in the simulation
- F_profile A 2D array of the real force profile first koordinate is position and second is force
- fit_interval The interval within which the fitting to the real force was carried out
- fit The resulting fitting parameters
- input A structure of all the values used for the simulation. It corresponds largely to Table 1
All variables ending on "_back", means that it was for the backwards (high to low) frequency sweep.
The counterparts without the "_back" ending is for the forward (low to high) direction
- Frequency response real force
Contains the frequency response data using the real force
Whether gravity was included or not is in the file names
The data contains the following variables:
- A: An array of the free magnet peak to peak amplitude at the end of the simulation
- P1: An array of the average generated power in the top coil at the end of the simulation
- P2: An array of the average generated power in the bottom coil at the end of the simulation
- w: An array of the driving angular frequencies used in the simulation
- F_profile A 2D array of the real force profile first koordinate is position and second is force
- input A structure of all the values used for the simulation. It corresponds largely to Table 1
All variables ending on "_back", means that it was for the backwards (high to low) frequency sweep.
The counterparts without the "_back" ending is for the forward (low to high) direction
- Phase diagrams complete set
Contains the data for the phase diagrams
The resolution in initial position and speed, as well as whether gravity was included or not, is in the file names
The data contains the following variables
- A([p],[v],[w]) A matrix of the free magnet peak to peak amplitude at the end of each simulation
- P1([p],[v],[w]) A matrix of the average generated power in the top coil at the end of each simulation
- P2([p],[v],[w]) A matrix of the average generated power in the bottom coil at the end of each simulation
- p An array of the initial positions of the free magnet
- v An array of the initial speeds of the free magnet
- w An array of the driving angular frequencies used in the simulations
- Conv([p],[v],[w]) A matrix recording the cycle at which the conversion criteria was passed, and the simulation was ended. 1000 is the max, so simulations with this value did not converge.
- Diff([cycle],[p],[v],[w]) A matrix containing the conversion criteria cycle comparisons
- Final_p_v([p/v],[p],[v],[w]) A matrix containing the final position and speed of the free magnet. The first index labeled [p/v] can either be 1 for position or 2 for speed
- Phase diagrams high resolution
Contains the data for the high resolution phase diagrams
Whether gravity was included or not, is in the file names.
The data contains the following variables
- A([p],[v]) A matrix of the free magnet peak to peak amplitude at the end of each simulation
- P1([p],[v]) A matrix of the average generated power in the top coil at the end of each simulation
- P2([p],[v]) A matrix of the average generated power in the bottom coil at the end of each simulation
- p An array of the initial positions of the free magnet
- v An array of the initial speeds of the free magnet
- w The driving angular frequency used for the simulations
- Conv([p],[v]) A matrix recording the cycle at which the conversion criteria was passed, and the simulation was ended. 1000 is the max, so simulations with this value did not converge.
- Diff([cycle],[p],[v]) A matrix containing the conversion criteria cycle comparisons
Electromagnetic energy harvesting using 2D magnetic levitation