Technical University of Denmark

Data set for "Triangular-shaped two-dimensional vibrational electromagnetic energy harvester"

posted on 2024-09-06, 13:24 authored by Rasmus BjørkRasmus Bjørk, Carlos Imbaquingo

The is the data set for the paper [Imbaquingo, C., Bahl, C., Insinga, A. R., & Bjørk, R., Triangular-shaped two-dimensional vibrational electromagnetic energy harvester, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 378, 115833, 2024]. The DOI for the publication is 10.1016/j.sna.2024.115833.

The data set consists of two zip-folders, each containing a folder structure, and a README file.

The Experimental_data directories contain the voltage as function of time for different frequencies for the respective configuration. Within the main folder, the subdirectories are named after the angle that the harvester was placed at with respect to the direction of vibration. In each of these, the subfolders are the frequency of the y-axis osciallation. In each of these subfolders, the files are named according to the x-axis frequency that the experiment was run at, e.g. the file B825.txt contains the voltage measured as function of time for driven with a frequency of 8.25 Hz along the x-axis.

In the Simulation_displacement_data folder are the data files from the simulations. These are named according to the angle and each data file contain the displacement along the x-axis and the y-axis and the electromagnetic force along the x-axis and y-axis.


Independent Research Fund Denmark, project 8022-00038B


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