Technical University of Denmark

Data set for "Volume compensation of large-deformation 3D-printed soft elastomeric elastocaloric regenerators"

posted on 2024-01-18, 11:08 authored by Kun Wang, Johannes OverveldeJohannes Overvelde, Kurt Engelbrecht, Rasmus BjørkRasmus Bjørk, Christian Bahl

This data set is for the article " Volume compensation of large-deformation 3D-printed soft elastomeric elastocaloric regenerators ".

The data contains the measured stress-strain responses, pressure change as a function of time to calulate the regeneraor volume changes, and the defomed fluid-channel coordinate from FE simulations presented in the article.

The data is structured as follows:

The mechanical data raw data of stress-strain behavior for the hyperelastic fitting constains in the folder "Hyperelstic fitting".

In the Volume-change measurements folder, the subdirectories are named accoriding to the loading rates, including Rate 1 (0.1 s-1) and Rate 2 (1 s-1). In each subdirectory, the corresponding pressure change, mechanical, ambient temperature data are given.

In the Volume-change simulations folder, the subdirectories are named according to the fluidic channel types. In each subdirectory the files are named accoding to the hyperelastic models name and the data files are named by the applied strains during the simulations. The final data files are the exported 3D coordinates of the fluidic channel nodes, in which the column refers to locX, locY, locZ, dispX, dispY, dispZ, forceX, forceY, forceZ, from the left to right.


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