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Data set on "1D models of an active magnetic regeneration cycle for cryogenic applications"

posted on 2024-08-30, 11:57 authored by Rasmus BjørkRasmus Bjørk, Theodoros DiamantopoulosTheodoros Diamantopoulos, Tommaso Matteuzzi

The is the data set for the paper [Diamantopoulos, T., Matteuzzi, T., & Bjørk, R., 1D models of an active magnetic regeneration cycle for cryogenic applications, International Journal of Refrigeration, 167, 246-256, 2024]. The DOI for the publication is 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.08.011

The data set consists of two zip-folders, each containing a folder structure, and a README file. The scripts to produce the figures in the paper are for Matlab, as is the data file format.

  • `scripts` folder contains all the scripts that generate the plots that are shown in the publication. The respective directories path where the data are located are also mentioned. Namely:

1. `plot_figure_1_density_ratio.m` plots Fig.1

2. `plot_figure_3_material_properties.m` plots Fig.3

1. Parses the MFT generated files located at `data/validation/mft-properties` directory.

3. `plot_figures_4_5_validation.m` generates Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.

1. Parses the data located at `data/validation/results` directory generated by the solvers.

2. Parses the reference data (experimental and numerical) located at `data/validation/validation_data` directory.

3. Plots the mass flow rate and magnetization profiles using a MATLAB function located at the end of the plotting script.

4. `plot_figures_6_to_8_Gauss_19T.m` generates Figs. 6-8.

1. Parses the data located at `data/19T-profile/` directory generated by the solvers.

2. Plots the total magnetization field as well as the magnetization at various positions of the AMR using a MATLAB function located at the end of the plotting script.

  • `data` folder contains all the pertinent data to the publication:

1. `/data/validation` folder contains all the files relevant to Section 5 of the paper

1. `/data/validation/mft-properties/` contains the files with the properties of the magnetocaloric materials used for the validation.

2. `/data/validation/validation_data/` contains the files which has the data stored from the experimental study of Park et al and Zheng et al shown in Figure 5 of the publication.

3. `/data/validation/results` contains the results of the simulations shown in Figure 5, namely the cooling power as a function of the temperature span for the two given mass flow rates reported in the publication.

1. `/data/validation/results/IMEX` results from the IMEX solver for two constant mass flow rates as reported in the paper and various temperature spans.

2. `/data/validation/results/LMN` results from the IMEX solver for two constant mass flow rates as reported in the paper and various temperature spans.

2. `/data/19T-profile` folder contains all the results pertinent to Section 6 of the publication:

1. `/data/19T-profile/density-profiles/` includes the data for generating Figure 8, namely density of the fluid as a function of location and time.

2. `/data/19T-profile/IMEX` includes the cooling power and COP and the mass flow rate for the IMEX solver used in Figure 7.

3. `/data/19T-profile/LMN` includes the cooling power and COP and the mass flow rate for the LMN solver used in Figure 7.

4. `/data/19T-profile/incompressible` includes the cooling power and COP and the mass flow rate for the incompressible solver used in Figure 7.


Europeans Union’s Horizon Europe project 101101461 entitled "HyLICAl"

Norwegian Research Council project 336403 entitled “Hydrogen Liquefaction with Caloric materials” (LIQUID-H)


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