Data set on "1D models of an active magnetic regeneration cycle for cryogenic applications"
The is the data set for the paper [Diamantopoulos, T., Matteuzzi, T., & Bjørk, R., 1D models of an active magnetic regeneration cycle for cryogenic applications, International Journal of Refrigeration, 167, 246-256, 2024]. The DOI for the publication is 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.08.011
The data set consists of two zip-folders, each containing a folder structure, and a README file. The scripts to produce the figures in the paper are for Matlab, as is the data file format.
- `scripts` folder contains all the scripts that generate the plots that are shown in the publication. The respective directories path where the data are located are also mentioned. Namely:
1. `plot_figure_1_density_ratio.m` plots Fig.1
2. `plot_figure_3_material_properties.m` plots Fig.3
1. Parses the MFT generated files located at `data/validation/mft-properties` directory.
3. `plot_figures_4_5_validation.m` generates Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
1. Parses the data located at `data/validation/results` directory generated by the solvers.
2. Parses the reference data (experimental and numerical) located at `data/validation/validation_data` directory.
3. Plots the mass flow rate and magnetization profiles using a MATLAB function located at the end of the plotting script.
4. `plot_figures_6_to_8_Gauss_19T.m` generates Figs. 6-8.
1. Parses the data located at `data/19T-profile/` directory generated by the solvers.
2. Plots the total magnetization field as well as the magnetization at various positions of the AMR using a MATLAB function located at the end of the plotting script.
- `data` folder contains all the pertinent data to the publication:
1. `/data/validation` folder contains all the files relevant to Section 5 of the paper
1. `/data/validation/mft-properties/` contains the files with the properties of the magnetocaloric materials used for the validation.
2. `/data/validation/validation_data/` contains the files which has the data stored from the experimental study of Park et al and Zheng et al shown in Figure 5 of the publication.
3. `/data/validation/results` contains the results of the simulations shown in Figure 5, namely the cooling power as a function of the temperature span for the two given mass flow rates reported in the publication.
1. `/data/validation/results/IMEX` results from the IMEX solver for two constant mass flow rates as reported in the paper and various temperature spans.
2. `/data/validation/results/LMN` results from the IMEX solver for two constant mass flow rates as reported in the paper and various temperature spans.
2. `/data/19T-profile` folder contains all the results pertinent to Section 6 of the publication:
1. `/data/19T-profile/density-profiles/` includes the data for generating Figure 8, namely density of the fluid as a function of location and time.
2. `/data/19T-profile/IMEX` includes the cooling power and COP and the mass flow rate for the IMEX solver used in Figure 7.
3. `/data/19T-profile/LMN` includes the cooling power and COP and the mass flow rate for the LMN solver used in Figure 7.
4. `/data/19T-profile/incompressible` includes the cooling power and COP and the mass flow rate for the incompressible solver used in Figure 7.