Technical University of Denmark

Database from citizen science project "Fangstjournalen"

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posted on 2021-02-16, 12:15 authored by Christian SkovChristian Skov
Fangstjournalen is a citizen science project for anglers, i.e. recreational fishers using reel and rod. The system collects data when anglers report information from their fishing trips including their catches of fish.

When reporting a fishing trip anglers provide information about fishing location, hours fished, target fish species as well as information about catches i.e. species, length or weight, fate (released or harvested), and gear used. We also collect other species-specific data about fish catches, e.g parasites, tags, gender, maturity and much more. Anglers are encouraged to report blank trips, which allow calculations of Catch-Per-Unit-Effort estimates which we use to compare densities of fish between years and fishing sites.

Data is being collected via an electronic platform including a browser version and a smartphone app (for android and iPhone).

Anglers can also report a range of different observations that they make make during their fishing trip, e.g. presence of large marine mammals, tuna, invasive species and more. Additional entries for observations can be made in the backend of the system, e.g. as part of collaboration projects with other researchers who wish to engage anglers in their citizen science data collection.

Upon registration participants are encouraged to fill out entries that support with information about demographics (postal code, gender, age) and angling characteristics (e.g. experience, preferred fishing types, importance of angling as a hobby). This information combined with GPS of fishing sites can provide information about travel patterns. See CSV file for more information about data that is being collected.

Data is not shared directly due to content of personal information, but contact Christian Skov,
ORCID 0000-0002-8547-6520. He is happy to engage in collaborative projects.

See a popular introduction to the Citizen Science project Fangstjournalen here.


The project is primarily funded by the Danish Rod and Net Fish License funds.The project have also received funding from "UDlodningsmidler", the European Commission’s Data Collection Framework (DCF) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark via the project “Affairs of Denmark Recreational fisheries-screening and historic data (REFISH)”.
