Dataset and input files for "One-year-long turbulence measurements and modelling using large-eddy simulation domains in the Weather Research and Forecasting model"
Here you find the post-processed simulated data, as well as two examples of the input files used for the WRF simulations presented in the manuscript "One-year-long turbulence measurements and modelling using large-eddy simulation domains in the Weather Research and Forecasting model" accepted for publication in Applied Energy
The list of files are:
namelist.input: an example of the namelist.input files for the WRF simulations for a 10-day-long run
namelist.wps: an example of the namelist.wps files for the WRF simulations for a 10-day-long run
2017_d04_v2.mat: a matlab mat file containing the 10-min post-processed simulated data over the grid point at Østerild from domain d04
results_d02.mat: a matlab mat file containing the 1-h post-processed simulated data over the grid point at Østerild from domain d02.
Independent Research Fund Denmark through the `Multi-scale Atmospheric Modeling Above the Seas' (MAMAS) project.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and administered by Danida Fellowship Centre through the `Multi-scale and model-chain Evaluation of Wind Atlases' (MEWA) project.
- Siting;>Wind Mapping
- Siting;>Wind Atlases
- Siting;>Resource assessment
- Siting;>Design conditions;>Shear
- Siting;>Design conditions;>Turbulence
- Siting;>Design conditions;>Other
- Wind turbine;>Rotor;>Hub
- Wind turbine;>Concept design;>Horizontal axis
- Meteorological;>Mesoscale
- Meteorological;>Hindcast
- Meteorological;>Other
- Flow;>LES
- Flow;>RANS
- Flow;>Physical
- Measurements;>Field experiment
- Measurements;>Long-term monitoring
- Measurements;>Field test
- Measurements;>Full scale test
- Modeling
External conditions
- Location;>Onshore;>Coastal
- Topography;>Forest
- Topography;>Rural
- Terrain type;>Flat
Data category
- Meteorological data