Technical University of Denmark

Dataset for: "Disentangling the effects of hearing loss and age on amplitude modulation frequency selectivity"

posted on 2024-04-03, 11:14 authored by Jonathan RegevJonathan Regev, Helia Relaño-Iborra, Johannes Zaar, Torsten DauTorsten Dau

The dataset contains data for 3 young and 10 older listeners with hearing impairment (young and older HI listeners).
The Readme file provides a description of the dataset's content, and of the related article.

The data collected were:

  • Population data: age, tested ear, presentation level, and reverse digit span score
  • Audiograms
  • Hearing threshold at the test frequency
  • Amplitude modulation detection thresholds
  • Masked-threshold patterns (MTPs)

Population Data
Dataset giving the population information for the 13 participants (tp), split into young HI and older HI (group), tested in the study. The data summarizes the participants' age, tested ear (ear), and presentation level (level), as well as their Reverse Digit Span score (rds_score). The age is given in years, the presentation level is given in dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL), and the reverse digit span score is given on a normalized scale from 0 to 1.

Audiometric thresholds (thresh) were collected for 13 participants (tp), split into young HI and older HI (group), at frequencies (freq) of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 kHz. The thresholds are given in dB Hearing Level (HL).

Hearing Threshold
Hearing thresholds collected at the test frequency (2.8 kHz) for all listeners.
13 participants (tp), split into young HI and older HI (group) were tested. The thresholds (thresh) were measured across at least 3 repetitions (repetition) for each listener. If the standard error across repetitions exceeded 2 dB, additional repetitions were added until that limit was met. The thresholds are given in dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL).

AM Detection
Amplitude modulation detection thresholds collected with 13 participants (tp), split into young HI and older HI (group). Detection thresholds (thresh) were collected at four different target modulation frequencies (fmod) of 4, 16, 64, and 128 Hz. At least three repetitions (repetition) were collected for each condition. If the standard error across repetitions exceeded 2 dB, additional repetitions were added until that limit was met. The thresholds are given for the target modulation depth on a dB scale: M = 20log10(m), where m is the modulation depth on a linear scale.

Masked-Threshold Patterns (MTPs)
Masked-threshold patterns (MTPs), collected with 13 participants (tp), split into young HI and older HI (group). Masked thresholds (thresh) were collected at four different target modulation frequencies (fmod) of 4, 16, 64, and 128 Hz, and five to seven different masker-modulation center frequencies (given as octaves relative to the target modulation frequency, mask_oct) at -5, -4, -2, -4/3, -2/3, 0, +2/3, +4/3, and +2 octaves. At least three repetitions (repetition) were collected for each condition. If the standard error across repetitions exceeded 2 dB, additional repetitions were added until that limit was met. In case a threshold was not obtainable in one of the repetitions, the thresh entry specifies "NaN". The thresholds are given for the target modulation depth on a dB scale: M = 20log10(m), where m is the modulation depth on a linear scale.

Masked thresholds for TP07 could not be obtained for the 4-Hz target modulation frequency and masker modulations of +2/3 and +4/3 octaves. Hence, the 4-Hz MTP for TP07 was considered uncomplete and discarded.

Ethical statement
All listeners were financially compensated for their time and gave written informed consent. Ethical approval for the study was provided by the Science-Ethics Committee for the Capital Region of Denmark (reference H-16036391).

The authors thank Borgný Súsonnudóttir Hansen for her contribution to the data collection, as well as Erik Kjærbøl and Jesper Borchorst Yde for their precious help in recruiting young participants with hearing impairment. The authors also thank Jens Hjortkjær and Jonatan Märcher-Rørsted for kindly providing their implementations of the reverse digit span test and of the Cambridge formula (CamEq).


Oticon Centre of Excellence for Hearing and Speech Sciences (CHeSS; funded by the William Demant Foundation)


ORCID for corresponding depositor

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