Technical University of Denmark

Dataset for "Experimental investigation on the nearshore transport of buoyant microplastic particles

posted on 2023-01-13, 08:44 authored by Bjarke Eltard LarsenBjarke Eltard Larsen, Hasan Gökhan Güler, Koray Deniz Göral, Stefan CarstensenStefan Carstensen, Erik Damgaard ChristensenErik Damgaard Christensen, Torsten Schlurmann, Nils B. Kerpen, David R. FuhrmanDavid R. Fuhrman

This dataset consist of one .mat file and two videos.

The matfile contain the recorded beaching time from the experiments. The beaching times are organized in a struct which can be accessed the following way

tb.P1.x11 which will give a vector of beaching times for Particle 1 released at x=11 m.

The videos demonstrate typical surf zone behavior of particles 1 and 2. 


MPCOAST: MicroPlastic transport processes in the COASTal environment

Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education

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Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under the 2219 International Post-doctoral Research Fellowship Programme


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