Technical University of Denmark

Dataset for: "Experimental study of non-buoyant microplastic transport beneath breaking irregular waves on a sediment bed"

posted on 2022-07-06, 07:41 authored by Bjarke Eltard LarsenBjarke Eltard Larsen, David R. FuhrmanDavid R. Fuhrman, Hasan Gökhan Güler, Stefan CarstensenStefan Carstensen, Erik Damgaard ChristensenErik Damgaard Christensen, Oriol de quintana Bosch, Nils B. Kerpen, Torsten Schlurmann, Koray Deniz Göral
The dataset consists of three *.mat files and three videos:
- "Plane_particles.mat" and "Barred_particles.mat" correspond to the two different initial bed configurations, 
which are plane bed and barred profile runs, respectively. Details of the experimental runs are described in the manuscript. 
These two "*.mat" files have the same file structure, and contain information on the numbers, run names, shapes, dimensions, 
characteristic lengths (dp), densities, settling velocities and Dean numbers of the particles. In addition, the counting times and 
the corresponding positions of the particles along the wave flume are given in these "*.mat" files. Note that the histograms presented 
in the manuscript were plotted based on counting time and particle position information. 

- "allRuns_waves_bottomProfiles.mat" contains data on the selected irregular wave measurements along the wave flume (between
successive countings) and the scans of the bottom profiles (before and after the runs). Data for each run are given separately. 

- "*.mat" files can be read using MATLAB. As an example, interested reader may access to particle Dean number of Particle 17 in the barred 
profile runs using following two lines of MATLAB code: 
load('Barred_particle.mat'); % loads data for the particles from barred profile runs
particles.deansNumber(17) % to access particle Dean number of Particle 17

- Videos correspond to the videos referred in the manuscript, which help visualizing the transport mechanisms of the particles.

- Animations of the distributions of each of the 18 particle types are provided as Particle_xx.avi. Note that the animations appear to be of low quality when using the preview utility. For high resolution download the individual animations.
Any question regarding the data can be addressed at gokhann{at} (Hasan Gokhan Guler).


Independent Research Fund Denmark: MPCOAST: MicroPlastic transport processes in the COASTal environment, grant no. 0136-00227B

Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under the 2219 International Post-doctoral Research Fellowship Programme


ORCID for corresponding depositor