Technical University of Denmark

Dataset for "Microplastic retention in marine vegetation canopies under breaking irregular waves"

posted on 2024-01-02, 14:44 authored by Nils B. Kerpen, Bjarke Eltard LarsenBjarke Eltard Larsen, Torsten Schlurmann, Maike Paul, H. Gokhan Guler, Koray Deniz Göral, Stefan CarstensenStefan Carstensen, Erik Damgaard ChristensenErik Damgaard Christensen, David R. FuhrmanDavid R. Fuhrman

The data contained herein are supplemental to the paper:

Kerpen, N.B., Larsen, B.E., Schlurmann, T., Paul, M., Guler, H.G., Goral, K.D., Carstensen, S., Christensen, E.D. & Fuhrman, D.R. (2023) Microplastic retention in marine vegetation canopies under breaking irregular waves, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 912, article no. 169280.

The paper considers wave flume experiments studying microplastic retention due to marine vegetation canopies beneath breaking irregular waves.

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Independent Research Fund Denmark: MPCOAST: MicroPlastic transport processes in the COASTal environment, grant no. 0136-00227B


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