Dataset for journal article "Cold Water Extraction for determination of the free alkali metal content in blended cement pastes"
Supplementary material for the journal article "Cold Water Extraction for determination of the free alkali metal content in blended cement pastes". The files generally contain raw data and calculations.
This dataset contains the following files:
- CWE on blended cement pastes (Calculations_CWE_SCMs.xlsx)
- CWE on plain cement pastes with different w/c (Calculations_CWE_Influence of w2c.xlsx)
- TGA results on pastes (Results_TGA.xlsx)
- QXRD (Rietveld) results on pastes (Results_QXRD.xlsx)
- Water and Available alkalis as per ASTM C114 and C311 respectively (Water+Available alkalis.xlsx)
- R3 bound water and portlandite consumption at 7 days vs. relative compressive strength (R3_BW+CH_7 days.xlsx)
- R3 bound water from 7 to 35 days (R3_BW_7 to 35 days.xlsx)
- Portlandite consumption (CH_consumption.xlsx)