Datasets for replicating the paper "Raman Spectrum Matching with Contrastive Representation Learning"
Datasets Mineral and Organic for replicating the paper "Raman spectrum matching with contrastive learning".
The detailed instruction about how to use the dataset, please visit our Github Repository.
To use these two datasets, please cite:
title={The power of databases: The RRUFF project},
author={B. Lafuente and R. Downs and Hexiong Yang and N. Stone},
booktitle = {Highlights in Mineralogical Crystallography},
author = {Zhang, Rui and Xie, Huimin and Cai, Shuning and Hu, Yong and Liu, Guo-kun and Hong, Wenjing and Tian, Zhong-qun},
title = {Transfer-learning-based Raman spectra identification},
journal = {Journal of Raman Spectroscopy},
volume = {51},
number = {1},
pages = {176-186},
keywords = {deep learning, Raman spectroscopy, transfer learning},
year = {2020}
author ="Li, Bo and Schmidt, Mikkel N. and Alstrøm, Tommy S.",
title ="Raman spectrum matching with contrastive representation learning",
journal ="Analyst",
year ="2022",
volume ="147",
issue ="10",
pages ="2238-2246",
publisher ="The Royal Society of Chemistry",
doi ="",
url ="",