Technical University of Denmark

Description of TotalControl Reference Wind Farm Simulations

Version 2 2020-12-22, 07:17
Version 1 2020-12-11, 08:48
posted on 2020-12-22, 07:17 authored by Søren Juhl AndersenSøren Juhl Andersen, Niels TroldborgNiels Troldborg
This repository (DOI: 10.11583/DTU.13160606) contains the publicly available data generated during the TotalControl project:

The dataset has been created using EllipSys3D and Flex5 by Niels Troldborg (ORCID 0000-0003-4508-4837, and Søren Juhl Andersen (ORCID 0000-0002-5935-751X,

It contains both LES precursor simulation data and LES wind farm flow data. The LES wind farm flow data is organized in separate folder for each flow scenario and wind farm orientation. The layout of the TotalControl Reference Wind Farm is shown for all directions in "TotalControlReferenceWindFarmLayout.pdf", where all turbines are numbered.

The folders are named according to type of boundary layer, e.g. conventional neutral boundary layer ("cnbl"), the roughness length of for instance z0 = 2e-3 m denoted as "z02e3m", and finally the rotation of the TotalControl reference wind farm within the flow, i.e. "rot90".

The public database contains the following cases with corresponding DOI:
1. "cnblz02e3m": Precursor dataset using z0 = 2e-3 m without wind farm.
DOI: 10.11583/DTU.13353161
2. "cnblz02e3m_rot00": Reference wind farm simulation using with 0 deg rotation.
DOI: 10.11583/DTU.13122224
3. "cnblz02e3m_rot90": Reference wind farm simulation using with 90 deg rotation.
DOI: 10.11583/DTU.13090113

Files in each folder are given the corresponding naming where “TCal” corresponds to actuator line (AL) simulations performed in TotalControl(TC), while “TCad” corresponds to actuator disc (AD) simulations. The dataset contains the following three datatypes with example names:

1. Horizontal (xy) planes of flow fields (u, v, and w) extracted at hub height in standard NetCDF format. Naming:

2. Vertical inflow (yz) planes of flow field (u, v, and w) extracted 1R upstream each of the 32 wind turbine (wt) in standard NetCDF format. Naming:

3. Time series of each of the 32 wind turbines and their performance and loads in ascii format. The files contain time, u velocity at hub height, power, flapwise bending moment, for the three blades, tower bottom bending moment fore-aft and side-side, thrust force, blade pitch, and rotational speed. Naming: TCal_wt01.dat

Additionally, there is data for the two benchmark cases on wind farm control for FarmConners:
The two cases has identical setup as the baseline, but two turbines have been intentionally yawed -20deg and -30deg, where negative corresponds to counterclockwise rotation as seen from above. The two cases are:
1. The flow is identical to "z02e3m_rot00", but turbines 5 and 25 have been intentionally yawed -20deg and -30deg, respectively, where negative corresponds to counterclockwise rotation as seen from above.
DOI: 10.11583/DTU.13274549
2. The flow is identical to "z02e3m_rot90", but turbines 32 and 29 have been intentionally yawed -20deg and -30deg, respectively, where negative corresponds to counterclockwise rotation as seen from above.
DOI: 10.11583/DTU.13414922

Additional data can be made available upon request.


Advanced integrated supervisory and wind turbine control for optimal operation of large Wind Power Plants

European Commission

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  • Wind power plant;>Wind farm control
  • Wind power plant;>Wind farm;>Wakes
  • Wind power plant;>Performance
  • Wind power plant;>Loads


  • Not applicable
  • Flow;>LES
  • Aeroelastic;>Other


  • Not applicable

External conditions

  • Not applicable

Data category

  • Turbine data
  • Wind farm data
  • Other data