Extreme 50-Year Return Wind Ensemble
This item contains the ocean and coastal, near-global, 10-min equivalent 50-year return winds derived from the three reanalysis products CFSR, ERA5 and MERRA-2 calculated during the GASPOC project. They are provided at four different heights, namely 50 m, 100 m, 150 m and 200 m. For each of the three reanalysis products, two sub-layers are available:
- A high resolution layer with approximately 275 m grid spacing which provides the data for the coastal region between 0 km and 200 km distance from the shoreline. It is made available on the same grid and spatial extension as the Global Wind Atlas for convenience.
Naming convention: extreme_wspd_${height}m_epsg4326_landmasked.${reanalysis}.tif
- Beyond the 200 km coastline, data is provided on a regular 0.25x0.25 degree grid.
PLEASE NOTE: While the low resolution data layer also contains data points within the coastal zone, it is not recommended to use the low-resolution data for near-coastal estimates.
Naming convention: offshore_era5grid_epsg4326_extreme_wspd_${height}m.${reanalysis}.tif
The datasets are accompanied by a technical report with more details on the methodology, which can be accessed here: https://orbit.dtu.dk/en/publications/global-atlas-for-siting-parameters-ocean-and-coasts-ensemble-calc
The files are provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs. They can be visualized using GIS software, such as the free and OpenSource Q-GIS. If working with python, rioxarray can be used to read them into an XArray Dataset for further processing.
EUDP GASPOC (J. no. 64020-1043)
- Siting;>Wind Mapping
- Siting;>Wind Atlases
- Siting;>Design conditions;>Extreme wind
- Meteorological;>GCM
- Flow;>Linearized
- Modeling
External conditions
- Location;>Offshore;>Nearshore
- Location;>Offshore;>Offshore
- Location;>Onshore;>Coastal
- Water depth category;>Shallow water
- Water depth category;>Deep water
Data category
- Meteorological data