Falster Forest Edge Experiment
A forest edge field experiment was conducted on the island Falster in Southern Denmark in 2008. The dataset presented here are used in the publication
Dellwik et al. (2023) Forest edge representation in scaled experiments-A flexible approach for matching to field observations in Boundary Layer Meteorology.
The file FalsterForestEdgeFlowStatistics contains the mean statistics of wind and turbulence data for the situation when the wind flows onto a perpendicular dense forest edge in the wind direction interval of 280 to 300 degrees. The data come from sonic anemometers mounted on two masts, one upwind and one downwind of the forest edge, and represent the mean statistics of the wind field, the second order moments and the skewness from the two met masts at the Falster Forest Edge experiment. The setup, treatment of the raw data and the selection for near-neutral atmospheric stratification are described in Dellwik et al. (2014).
Dellwik, E., Bingöl, F. and Mann, J. (2014), Flow distortion at a dense forest edge. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 140: 676-686. https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.2155
The file ForestHeightData.csv contains the X Y Z coordinates of airborne lidar point cloud data for a 40m wide section centered on the line from the met mast 1 (outside the forest) to the met mast 2 (inside the forest). The airborne lidar campaign was in 2007-2008. The coordinates of the two met masts are also listed in the file.
The full point cloud from the 2007 scan can be downloaded from
By using all the information in the full point cloud, the spatially varying forest density (PAD) can be estimated, using the algorithms presented in
Arnqvist et al. (2020) Biogeosciences, 17, 5939–5952, 2020.https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-5939-2020
Danish Council for Strategic research (Committee for Energy and Environment grantno. 2104-05-0076 )
The Danish council for Independent Research (Grant no. DFF – 6111-00121, The Single Tree Experiment)
- Siting;>Resource assessment
- Siting;>Design conditions;>Shear
- Siting;>Design conditions;>Turbulence
- Siting;>Design conditions;>Flow angle
- Not applicable
- Measurements;>Field experiment
External conditions
- Topography;>Forest
Data category
- Meteorological data