Technical University of Denmark

Flow patterns in synthetic fractures under varying matrix permeability for "On the influence of matrix flow in the hydraulic permeability of rough-walled fractures"

This set contains the fluid flow simulation data (pressure, pressure gradient, and velocity distributions) used in the paper "On the influence of matrix flow in the hydraulic permeability of rough-walled fractures".

Ferreira, C. A. S., Nick, H. M., 2024. On the influence of matrix flow in the hydraulic permeability of rough-walled fractures. Journal of Hydrology.

The aperture data for the fractures was generated through fractional Brownian motion by combining multiple steps of simplex noise. For that purpose, we used the Python library noise ( The fluid flow simulations were carried out with the academic, multi-institutional numerical framework CSMP++ (, developed in C++.

The mesh files in this dataset are in VTK format and may be read using the Python library meshio ( For each sample, namely F1-F8, each contact area value (between 0.00 and 0.40), and each matrix permeability index (between 0 and 14), there are 7 VTK files. These are as follows:

  • sample-{sample_name}_JRC-{JRC_value}_CA-{contact_area_value}_aperture.vtk: these files contain the aperture distribution, that is, the opening of the fractures, for each sample and each contact area value. The aperture values are stored in the center of the mesh cells and are constant for each cell. The values in these files are only for the triangle elements (fracture elements).
  • sample-{sample_name}_JRC-{JRC_value}_CA-{contact_area_value}_fluid-pressure-{#n}-{#mp}.vtk: these files contain the pressure distribution for problem number #n (1 or 2), for matrix perm. index #mp, for each sample and each contact area value. The pressure values are stored in the nodes of the mesh. The values in these files are only for the triangle elements (fracture elements).
  • sample-{sample_name}_JRC-{JRC_value}_CA-{contact_area_value}_fluid-pressure-gradient-{#n}-{#mp}.vtk: these files contain the pressure gradient distribution for problem number #n (1 or 2), for matrix perm. index #mp, for each sample and each contact area value. The pressure gradient values are derived from the nodal pressure values. Like aperture, they are stored in the center of the mesh cells and are constant for each cell. The values in these files are only for the triangle elements (fracture elements).
  • sample-{sample_name}_JRC-{JRC_value}_CA-{contact_area_value}_velocity-{#n}-{#mp}.vtk: these files contain the fluid velocity for problem number #n (1 or 2), for matrix perm. index #mp, for each sample and each contact area value. The velocity values are derived from the pressure gradient and the aperture values using the cubic law: velocity = (aperture^2/12*viscosity)*pressure_gradient. Like the aperture and pressure gradient, the velocity values are stored in the center of the mesh cells and are constant for each cell. The values in these files are only for the triangle elements (fracture elements).

If you use this dataset in your work, include this citation:

Ferreira, C. A. S., Nick, H. M., 2024. On the influence of matrix flow in the hydraulic permeability of rough-walled fractures. Journal of Hydrology.

Ferreira, C. A. S., Nick, H. M., 2024. Flow patterns in synthetic fractures under varying matrix permeability for "On the influence of matrix flow in the hydraulic permeability of rough-walled fractures". DTU Data.


Advanced Water Flooding program (DTU Offshore)


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