Footprint of Danish bottom-towed fisheries in the Danish EEZ for 2012-2020
These raster layers (.tif) represents the annual average fishing intensity of Danish bottom-towed fishing gears, over the years 2012-2020 in the Danish Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ). We have provided gear-specific layers, and a layer of all gears combined. A total of 11 fishing gears are included:
- Otter trawlers targeting Sandeel (OT_SAN)
- Otter trawlers targeting Norway lobster (OT_NEP)
- Otter trawlers targeting Norway Pout (OT_NOP)
- Otter trawlers targeting Deep-water shrimp (OT_PAN)
- Otter trawlers targeting Small pelagic fish (OT_SPF)
- Otter trawlers targeting Demersal fish (OT_DMF)
- Beam trawlers targeting Demersal fish (TBB_DMF)
- Beam trawlers targeting Brown shrimp (TBB_CRU)
- Dredges targeting mussles (DRB_MOL)
- Danish (anchor) seines targeting Demersal fish (SDN_DMF)
- Scottish seines targeting Demersal fish (SSC_DMF)
Data from the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), the Automatic Identification System (AIS), and the Black Box (BB) system were combined with electronic logbook data to determine fishing activity location (see van der Reijden et al (2023) DOI:10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.105935 for a more detailed description). From that, overall fishing intensity was determined as the Swept Area Ratio (SAR), which should be interpreted as the number of times the raster cell is fished per year. A SAR-value lower than 1 means that the raster cell is not completely fished; a value higher than 1 means that the raster cell has been fished completely (and even more frequently) than once a year. Find more information, including a visual example of the SAR-calculation here: (under the tab "Information").
The fishing intensity is presented in 6 classes:
>> 0 - 0.1
>> 0.1 - 0.5
>> 0.5 - 1
>> 1 - 5
>> 5 - 10
>> 10+
The raster layers have a spatial resolution of 100 x 100 meter and are saved in the ETRS89 UTM32 projection (EPSG: 25832). Note that the fishing data in this raster layer has been restricted to the Danish EEZ; it does not mean that Danish fisheries are not active in foreign waters.