High fidelity, aeroelastic stability simulations
This dataset contains the setup and result files for (high fidelity) aeroelastic simulations of the IEA 10MW wind turbine. A doublet forcing is applid at 100s. The data has been used for stability analysis by system identification in the related publications.
The dataset contains results from three different simulation codes:
- standard HAWC2 simulations (called BEM)
- advanced HAWC2 simulations featuring vortex cylinder and nearwake modeling (called BEVC)
- FSI simulations coupling EllipSys3D and HAWC2 structural solver (called FSI)
In each subfolder, there is
- a setup folder to re-create the simulations. Please not that valid licenses are required to run HAWC2/EllipSys3D
- timeseries_power_curve, containing hdf5 result files for 0 degree yaw calculations from 4 to 25 m/s.
- timeseries_yaw, containing hdf5 result files for simulations at +/- 8, 16 and 30 degree yaw misalignment, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25m/s wind speed.
The naming of the timeseries is:
BEM: std_y0_wsp1000
prefix "std_" can be ignored
"y0" describes the yaw miasalignment, 0 degress in this case. y30 for +30 degrees, ym30 for -30 degrees
"wsp1000" describes the wind speed, 10m/s in this case (multiplied by 100 to have integer values).
BEVC: std_bevc_y0_wsp1000
the tag "_bevc" is added to indicate the advanced setup
FSI: 10_y0
the first number, "10", indicates the wind speed
the second part, "_y0", the yaw misalignment, same as for BEM/BEVC
This work is partially funded by Innovation Fund Denmark (grant 1044-00086B).
- Wind turbine;>Rotor;>Blades
- Flow;>RANS
- Aeroelastic;>Other
- Modeling
External conditions
- Not applicable
Data category
- Turbine data