Technical University of Denmark

Historic data of wind turbine installations in the whole of Denmark from the Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen)

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Version 2 2019-12-11, 12:03
Version 1 2019-01-23, 09:21
posted on 2019-12-11, 12:03 authored by Karen Pardos Olsen
This data set is a collection of historic data of wind turbine installations in the whole of Denmark from the Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen). The data was used in a power system flexibility study by Karen Olsen in 2018-19 leading to a paper that is to appear in the proceedings of the ICAE19 conference and is entitled: "Data-driven flexibility requirements for current and future scenarios with high penetration of renewables". A journal paper has also been submitted using the same data.

The data has been extracted from the website of Energistyrelsen at the following link where historic data is publicly available (called "Stamdataregister"):
The present version was extracted in September 2019 and contains installation and production data until and including June 2019.

The data is in the originally downloaded excel file, ready to be parsed by the python code written by Karen Olsen (see reference to Fanfare code).

Data used for analysis:
- turbine ID number (column: "Turbine identifier (GSRN)" in the excel spreadsheet)
- date of installation (column: "Date of original connection to grid" in the excel spreadsheet)
- turbine capacity (column: "Capacity (kW)" in the excel spreadsheet)
- turbine location commune (column: "Local authority no" in the excel spreadsheet)
- turbine placing sea/land (column: "Type of location" in the excel spreadsheet)
- yearly production (columns starting at: "Historic production figures (kWh):" in the excel spreadsheet)

Further information and code for analysis can be found under:
