Technical University of Denmark

Reference data and simulations for wind turbine loads due to extreme wind acceleration events

This dataset contains both time series for the wind for significant acceleration events and the corresponding load calculations of the DTU 10MW RWT with the wind turbine aeroelastic model HAWC2. The contents of the dataset are as follows:

1) Time series for significant acceleration events.

2) The parameters for generating a Mann turbulence box extracted from the time series

3) The data set gives an example of how a constrained turbulence file can be generated.

4) An example HAWC2 set-up for evaluating the loads

5) The load results from HAWC2

The details of each contribution are described in a text file contained within the data set itself.


HIPERWIND EU Grant agreement ID: 101006689



  • Siting;>Design conditions;>Extreme wind
  • Wind turbine;>Rotor;>Blades
  • Wind turbine;>Concept design;>Horizontal axis
  • Wind turbine;>Nacelle;>Gearbox
  • Wind turbine;>Nacelle;>Main shaft
  • Wind turbine;>Tower;>Tubular
  • Wind power plant;>Loads
  • Wind power plant;>Performance


  • Meteorological;>Other
  • Flow;>Other
  • Aeroelastic;>Other


  • Measurements;>Long-term monitoring

External conditions

  • Location;>Offshore;>Nearshore

Data category

  • Meteorological data
  • Turbine data


Michael K. McWilliam, Mark C. Kelly, Nikolay Dimitrov

ORCID for corresponding depositor