Remotely sensed GlobColour Chlorophyll-a in Greenlandic waters (2000-2022)
This dataset consists chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a) obtained from daily products (OCEANCOLOUR_GLO_BGC_L3_MY_009_103) distributed by the GlobColour project through the Copernicus Marine Service. Here we present computed weekly averages for two products: multi-sensor merged 4-km Chl-a (2000-2022, hereafter merged); and Sentinel-3 300-m Chl-a (2016-2022, hereafter S3). Time series of weekly merged Chl-a (mg/m3) from Greenlandic shelf seas were calculated based on the geographic zones defined in Vernet et al. (2021): North (N), Northeast (NE), Central East (CE), Southeast (SE), Southwest (SW), Central West (CW), and Northwest (NW). A map showing the coverage of those boxes is given in the figure "Vernet_zones.png" and the time series for each box is given in the figure "Timeseries_Vernet_Boxes.png". Time series of weekly S3 Chl-a (mg/m^3) were obtained for two areas of interest: the Nuup Kangerlua fjord and Disko Bay. Maps showing the coverage of each box and the respective time series are given in the figures "Timeseries_NuupKangerlua.png" and "Timeseries_Disko.png". Finally, a pixel-wise linear regression was performed for the weekly merged Chl-a (2000-2022) and the pixels with significant trend (p<0.05) are displayed in the figure "Chla_significant_trends.png".