Replicate data for: Improving seabed substrate mapping with high-resolution bottom trawl data
Data repository description
This data repository is linked to the manuscript “Improving seabed substrate mapping with high-resolution bottom trawl data”, submitted to Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences, written by Karin J. van der Reijden, Verner B. Ernstsen, Jeppe Olsen, Grete E. Dinesen, Jørgen O. Leth, and Ole R. Eigaard.
This repository contains a subfolder (“Fisheries_data”), this description, a geographic shapefile of the study areas, and an RDS.file named “final_dataset”.
Fisheries data
This folder contains geoTIFF raster files for the five different fishing métiers presented/used in the manuscript. Each raster file represents the average annual Swept Area Ratio (SAR) estimates of that fishing métier over the period 2016-2020 for an area covering both study areas in a spatial resolution of 100 x 100 m. The raster files have a spatial projection of EPSG: 25832 (ETRS 89 / UTM 32).
This geographic shapefile delineates the two study areas (StudyAreas.shp), with a spatial projection of EPSG: 25832 (ETRS 89 / UTM 32).
This rds.file contains the dataset used in the analysis of the manuscript, and is obtained as described in the manuscript. It is saved as a ‘simple feature collection’ and should be processed using the package “SF” in R. Each row represents a grid cell centroid of the fisheries rasters that is located within a substrate polygon. For each centroid, this dataset provides a unique ID (“grID”), the SAR-estimate for the five métiers (“OT_smallpelagics”, “OT_norwaylobster”, “OT_sandeel”, “OT_plaice”, “SDN_plaice”), and the water depth (“WaterDepth”). It further states the observed substrate type (“Substrate”), in which study area it is located (“StudyArea”), and whether the data was used for model training or validation (“Selection”). The final column (“geometry”) provides the spatial information of the centroid, in EPSG: 25832 (ETRS 89 / UTM 32).