Technical University of Denmark

Roenne Aa Survey, Sweden

posted on 2024-05-28, 06:29 authored by Peter Bauer-GottweinPeter Bauer-Gottwein, Monica Coppo Frias, Alexander Rietz VesterhaugeAlexander Rietz Vesterhauge, Daniel Haugård OlesenDaniel Haugård Olesen, Zhen ZhouZhen Zhou, Emilie Jørgensen, Laura Riis-Klinkvort, Christine Lindenhoff, Sune Nielsen, Makar Lavish, Daniel Wennerberg, Viktor Fagerstroem, Jenny Axen, David Gustafsson

The Rønne Å survey is part of the EU Horizon project UAWOS. All datasets belonging to the UAWOS project can be accessed here. The Rønne Å survey in Southern Sweden survey was carried out in August/September 2023. The primary purpose was to validate the new UAWOS hydrometry payloads against in-situ ground truth and legacy UAS hydrometry payloads. The datatset contains water surface elevation, bathymetry, land elevation and water surface velocity datasets collected using different drone-borne and in-situ sensors. Data is shared at three processing levels: The raw data (Level 1), processed point data (Level 2), and point data referenced to a reference river centerline / reference cross section lines (Level 3). Specialized software is required to process most Level 1 data, while Level 2/3 data comes in standard comma-separated ASCII files. More details about the different datasets and processing levels are included in the dataset readme file and the readme files belonging to the individual datasets.


Unmanned Airborne Water Observing System

European Commission

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