Technical University of Denmark

Supplementary data for: "Fire safety evaluation of different internal insulation measures in Danish and European context"

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Version 2 2021-06-01, 08:48
Version 1 2021-03-04, 15:29
posted on 2021-06-01, 08:48 authored by Nickolaj Feldt Jensen, Martin Morelli, Lars Schiøtt SørensenLars Schiøtt Sørensen
Supplementary data for: N.F. Jensen, M. Morelli, L.S. Sørensen, 2021. "Fire safety evaluation of different internal insulation measures in Danish and European context"

Abstract:In about the last 10 years there has been an increased focus on energy upgrading the existing building stock. This have included several international and national projects dealing with internal insulation. Many of the studies have considered the internal insulation as a measure to achieve a specific energy consumption of buildings. Later, the focus has been on the durability of the ‘new’ structure with additional insulation on the internal side of walls, i.e. if the measure is moisture safe. These measures have been applied in both theoretical studies, laboratory and real buildings. None of the studies has reported whether or not the suggested retrofit measures fulfil respective fire regulations. The height of the building is also considered in fire regulations, and therefore, measures that are applicable in e.g. single-family houses might not be applicable in apartment buildings. This study includes a review of a number of different insulation materials and – systems used for internal insulation. These measures are evaluated against the EU-harmonized and Danish fire regulations, as many countries might have adapted national requirements. The study evaluates, whether the measure are applicable at all floor levels or not.

The dataset comprises an Excel file containing a review and evaluation of a number of case projects where internal insulation was installed in buildings with preservation worth façade walls, to determine if the studies met the fire requirements. Detailed information and references to the scientific publications for each of the examined case projects are provided.


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