Supplementary data for "Hygrothermal assessment of four insulation systems for interior retrofitting of solid masonry walls through calibrated numerical simulations"
Supplementary data for: N.F. Jensen,T.R. Odgaard, S.P. Bjarløv, B. Andersen,
C. Rode, E.B. Møller, 2020, "Hygrothermal assessment of four insulation systems for interior retrofitting of solid masonry walls through calibrated numerical simulations"
The datasets comprises:
1) Python script in Jupyter notebook for automated Delphin model calibration. The purpose of the script is to calibrate Delphin simultion models against measurement data where the script auto generates hygrothermal models with varying settings, which are then simulated and evaulated to determine the settings leading to the best simuation model.
(found via the reference to Github or through the word document in the supplementary files)
2) Comparison of calibration results against measurement data
3) Additional plots for model parameter variations
4) Excel files with simulation results and VTT mould-growth modelling results
5) 1D and 2D Delphin calibrated simulation models
Grundejernes Investeringsfond. Projekt: Anvendeligheden og robustheden af indvendig isolering
Robust Internal Thermal Insulation of Historic Buildings