Technical University of Denmark
Container measurement data_Wall graphs.xlsx (108.08 MB)
Delphin simulations_Calibrated models and Output JPG (23.74 MB)
Container measurement data (hourly and 96-hour average).xlsx (102.58 MB)
VTT mould (555.52 MB)
4 files

Supplementary data for: "Hygrothermal assessment of internally insulated historic solid masonry walls with focus on the thermal bridge due to internal partition walls"

posted on 2021-03-05, 09:03 authored by Nickolaj Feldt Jensen, Carsten RodeCarsten Rode, Eva B. MøllerEva B. Møller
Supplementary data for: N.F. Jensen, C. Rode, E.B. Møller, 2021, "Hygrothermal assessment of internally insulated historic solid masonry walls with focus on the thermal bridge due to internal partition walls"

This study investigated the hygrothermal performance of five thermal insulation systems for internal retrofitting purposes. Focus was on the hygrothermal performance near partition brick walls compared to the middle of the wall. The setup consisted of two 40-feet (12.2 m) insulated reefer containers with controlled indoor climate, reconfigured with several holes (1x2 m each) containing solid masonry walls with embedded wooden elements on the interior side, an internal brick partition wall and different internal insulation systems, with and without exterior hydrophobisation. Relative humidity and temperature were measured over five years in the masonry/insulation interface and near the interior surface, in the centre of the test field and near the internal partition wall. In addition, calibrated numerical simulations were performed for further investigation of the thermal bridge effect.

The datasets comprises:
1) Measurements from the experimental setup (hourly and 96-hour average values)
2) Visual representations of the measurements from the experimental setup
3) VTT mould growth modelling (calculation files and results)
4) Calibrated Delphin simulation models (including Output JPG files)


Robust Internal Thermal Insulation of Historic Buildings

European Commission

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Landowners Investment Foundation (Grundejernes Investeringsfond)
