posted on 2021-02-04, 08:00authored byNickolaj Feldt Jensen, Søren Peter Bjarløv, Christopher Just Johnston, Casper F. H. Pold, Morten Hjorslev Hansen, Ruut Hannele Peuhkuri
Research data and supplementary files for the journal publication. The research project was co-funded by the Landowners' Investment Foundation (Grundejernes Investeringsfond) (GI) and supervised by Associate Professor Søren Peter Bjarløv.
Status: Finished
Effective start/end date: 01/01/2014 to 01/01/2019
Supplementary data for: Nickolaj Feldt Jensen, Søren Peter Bjarløv, Christopher Just Johnston, Hygrothermal assessment of north-facing, cold attic spaces under the eaves with varying structural roof scenarios, 2019, Journal of Building Physics, Vol 44, Issue 1, pp. 3-36,
The dataset contains the following elements:
1) Raw data_Phase1
2) Raw data_Phase1_Re-arranged
3) Raw data_Phase2
4) Raw data_Pressure measurements
5) Raw data_Tracer gas experiment
6) Deriving process for Equation 8
7) Polynomial trendlines and flow relation
8) Processed data_Phase2
9) Summary of key results
10) Supplementary graphs for research article
11) VTT mould model
12) Final report on the "Ventilation conditions in cold attic rooms under the eaves in structures with diffusion-open roofing underlay, Phase 2", in Danish (Skunkrum etape 2 slutrapport)
13) Short report with links to publications and project folders, in Danish (Skunkrum Etape 2 - kort rapport til GI + links)
Grundejernes Investeringsfond. Projekt: Ventilationsforhold i kolde skunkrum i konstruktioner med diffusionsåbne undertage, Etape 2