Supporting data for Quantification of contaminant mass discharge from point sources in aquitard/aquifer systems based on vertical concentration profiles and 3D modeling
These are supporting data for Quantification of contaminant mass discharge from point sources in aquitard/aquifer systems based on vertical concentration profiles and 3D modeling, published in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology.
3D_geometry.mphbin is the COMSOL Multiphysics geometry file, that covers the flow and transport model domain with all geometric features used in the 3D modeling. It is compatible with COMSOL v5.5 and newer versions (created with v6.1).
TL_bot.txt and TL_top.txt provide the interpolated geometry of the top and the bottom of the transition layer, as obtained from a 3D geological model. It is included in the 3D COMSOL model and in the geometry file.
Concentration_profiles.csv contains the coordinates (X, Y and Z coordinate in the model domain) of the direct-push concentration profiles and the measured sum of chlorinated solvents (TCE equivalents) in µg/L.