Technical University of Denmark

The DKup24 uplift model for Denmark.

posted on 2024-10-23, 08:35 authored by Per KnudsenPer Knudsen, Karsten Engsager, Shfaqat Abbas KhanShfaqat Abbas Khan

A regional land uplift model for Denmark has been derived from geodetic data from the past century. The model reflects deformations in the national height systems and may be used to dynamically extend the quality of DVR90 into the future. Also, the uplift model may play an important role in assessing impacts of climate scenarios when planning future facilities such as coastal protection.

The model is determined using an empirical approach and data from the three national precision levelling campaigns, tide gauges, and permanent GNSS reference stations. The NKG2016GIA model by Steffen et al. (2016) is used as reference mode. The DKup24 uplift model forms a so-called long-term release in the modelling of the land uplift in Denmark where the classical data are used. Since the release of the previous model in 2016, the data has been reassessed to form a consistent data set.

More details will be provided soon.

The model is released in two versions:

  • The DKup24abs.* reflecting uplift relative to the ellipsoid, and
  • The DKup24geo.* reflecting uplift relative to the geoid.

In addition an error field is provided in the file DKup24err.*

All files are available in TIF, GTX, Gravsoft GDR, and combined in XYZ


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