Technical University of Denmark

Tire volume velocity source - Uniform linear array responses (HBK)

Version 2 2023-05-24, 06:46
Version 1 2023-05-23, 09:31
posted on 2023-05-24, 06:46 authored by Woo Keun Song, Andreas P. Schuhmacher, Xenofon Karakonstantis

This dataset consists of acoustic impulse responses (AIRs) measured at Hottinger Brüel \& Kjær in Virum, Denmark. These AIRs were captured using a linear array of 11 microphones, which were shifted away from a volume velocity source (a Brüel \& Kjær Omni-source placed inside of a car tyre) in regular steps of 0.1 m, resulting in a total of 99 measurement positions. The source was also shifted around the tyre in 17 equiangular positions, and the AIRs were captured using the Maximum Length Sequence (MLS) method with a pink noise signal. Finally, a reference microphone was used to capture the far field contributions of the source and potentially used as validation. The layout of the HBK measurement can be seen in the layout figure (measurment_layout.png).

The data are available as H5 (Hierarchical Data Formats) with the following structure:

Dataset "HBK data - HDF5 datastructure"

   ├── disambiguate_measurement_data (1) 'Nsources x Npositions x Nmics x Ntaps'
   └── fs (1) 8000
   ├── measurement_data (17x9x11x2000) float64
   ├── mic_coords (9x11x2)  float64
   ├── ref_pos (2x1) float64
   ├── reference_data (17x2000) float64
   └── src_pos (2x17) float64

Use with Matlab: 

Use with Python:

This dataset is part of the project Danish Sound Cluster project titled "Physics-informed  Neural Networks for Sound Field Reconstruction" [url].  Find more datasets here: Project Page


Ministry of Education and Research (UFS)

Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science


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