Technical University of Denmark

RumexLeaves: Dataset introduced by Paper "Zoom in on the Plant: Fine-Grained Analysis of Leaf, Stem, and Vein Instances"

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Version 2 2024-02-20, 14:10
Version 1 2023-07-11, 09:38
posted on 2024-02-20, 14:10 authored by Ronja GüldenringRonja Güldenring, Lazaros NalpantidisLazaros Nalpantidis

RumexLeaves is a image dataset with fine-grained annotation of Rumex obtusifolius weeds. For each indivudal leaf, we provide a pixel-level segmentation mask as well as a keypoint-guided polyline along stem and major vein of the leaf. The dataset includes 809 images with 7747 annotations, while it is differntiated between two types of datapoints: (1) iNaturalist datapoints have been downloaded from the plant publisher iNaturalist and (2) RoboRumex that have been collected with a Husky Robot platform. The following table gives an overview of the dataset.

|                               | Total     | iNaturalist   | RoboRumex |
| # Images               | 809       | 690             | 119               |
| # Leaves w stem   | 3460     | 3250           | 210               |
| # Leaves wo stem | 4287     | 3916           | 371               |




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