Technical University of Denmark

Squeezing data from Demonstration of a Squeezed Light Source on Thin-Film Lithium Niobate with Modal Phase Matching

posted on 2024-07-02, 11:02 authored by Tummas Napoleon Arge, Jens ArnbakJens Arnbak

This repository contains data and a script to plot the data for the paper by Arge et al. (2024), titled "Demonstration of a Squeezed Light Source on Thin-Film Lithium Niobate with Modal Phase Matching". Included is a readme file, raw data for squeezing measurements, saved as CSV files. One folder of raw data for measurements at different frequencies and one folder for different powers. In addition there is a script titled "" that makes the plots seen in the publication.

The data is a series of zero-span measurements from a RF signal analyser, measuring the AC signal from a homodyne detector in an optical setup.

Files included

  1. Folder titled "E2 - freq plot". Raw data containing traces at different frequencies saved as CSV files. The filename is the sideband frequency the data was measured at. CCBY-4.0
  2. Folder titled "E2 - powerPlot". Raw data containing traces at different powers saved as CSV files. The filename is the input power the data was measured at. CCBY-4.0
  3. - Python script plotting the data from the two folders above. © Copyright 2024 Technical University of Denmark BSD-3-Clause

Contact: For any queries related to this script, please contact Tummas Napoleon Arge at DTU Physics,, or one of the other authors of the manuscript below.


Arge, T. N., Jo, S., Nguyen, H. Q., Lenzini, F., Lomonte, E., Nielsen, J. A. H., Domeneguetti, R. R., Neergaard-Nielsen, J. S., Pernice, W., Gehring, T., & Andersen, U. L. (2024). Demonstration of a Squeezed Light Source on Thin-Film Lithium Niobate with Modal Phase Matching (Version 1). arXiv.


PhotoQ project, no. 1063-00046A

bigQ, DNRF142


ORCID for corresponding depositor

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