Simulation scripts for PhD Thesis: High Resolution Multiscale Neutron and X-ray Imaging of Multiphase Materials
Simulation scripts used for results in the PhD thesis "High Resolution Multiscale Neutron and X-ray Imaging of Multiphase Materials".
McStas instruments
Contains instruments used for McStas simulations of ICON along with McStas components describing different samples. Samples are defined using McStas Union components. File name "layered sample" refers to a steel/Al/Zr sample simulated for Ch. 4. File names "..pure Al.." and "..oxide coated Al.." refers to samples simulated for Ch. 5. Suffix "absorption" means the sample was simulated with attenuation effects only.
Results are presented in Ch. 4 and Ch. 5 of the thesis.
Phase filter
Contains two implementations of the Paganin-style phase retrieval filter, one assuming a monochromatic beam and one assuming a polychromatic beam. Results are presented in Ch. 3 and Ch. 5 of the thesis.
Wave simulation
Contains Python files used for simulated propagation-based neutron phase contrast using a projection approximation for sample interaction and Fresnel propagator as the wavepropagation. The file "Fresnel_prop_function" contains all functions used in the simulation. The file "Fresnel_prop_metalFoil" contains the simulation of a wave interacting with a metal foil sample consisting of Al, Zr, and steel and calls functions in the other file to perform the simulation. Results from this are presented in Ch. 4 of the thesis.
ESS Lighthouse on Hard Materials in 3D, SOLID, funded by the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education (grant No. 8144-00002B).
This software is published under the MIT license.