Technical University of Denmark

Urban pluvial flood risk assessment - data resolution and spatial scale when developing screening approaches on the micro scale - Computer code

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Version 3 2020-09-17, 07:02
Version 2 2019-09-04, 13:31
Version 1 2019-07-17, 06:28
posted on 2020-09-17, 07:02 authored by Roland LöweRoland Löwe
This folder contains computer code applied for the analysis in the article
"Urban pluvial flood risk assessment - data resolution and spatial scale when developing screening approaches on the micro scale"

Computer code is made available under the GNU GPL v3. Please see the file License.txt.
DEM data are available from

Folder 2D_Flood_Modelling contains
.\ScriptsModelPreparation - creates a raster dfs2 file with rainfall input, applied for the baseline simulation with known imperviousness - creates a raster dfs2 file with rainfall input, applied for the projections where imperviousness is predicted from regression models using aggregated building data - creates a dfs2 file with infiltration rates considered in the 2D simulation for each pixel, applied for the baseline simulation where imperviousness is known - creates a dfs2 file with infiltration rates considered in the 2D simulation for each pixel, applied for projections, where imperviousness is computed based on aggregated building data

Folder ImperviousArea_and_Damage_Regression contains programming code applied for fitting regression models for impervious areas and flood damages
-Basedata - shapefile for areas that were excluded in regression modelling (Fjord)
-DamageRegression - regression fitting for flood damages in a cross validation procedure
-Imperviousness - regression fitting for imperviousness in a cross validation procedure
-libs - functions for data reading and handling raster data with varying resolutions


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