- Future wind energy resources in the North Sea as predicted by CMIP6 models
- Mesoscale and microscale downscaling for the Wind Atlas of Mexico (WAM) project
- Wind Atlas for Mexico (WAM) Observational Wind Atlas
- Rossby number similarity of an atmospheric RANS model using limited-length-scale turbulence closures extended to unstable stratification
- Lidar Scanning of Induction Zone Wind Fields over Sloping Terrain
- Analysis of sonic anemometer measurements from the 250-m south lightning mast at Østerild
- The Effect of Averaging, Sampling, and Time Series Length on Wind Power Density Estimations
- A method to assess the accuracy of sonic anemometer measurements
- Large-eddy simulations mimicking diurnal cycles of meterological surface parameters measured at Østerild}
- Large-eddy simulations of wakes behind different size wind turbines during different atmospheric conditions
- The space-time structure of turbulence for lidar-assisted wind turbine control
- Wind turbine power performance characterization through aeroelastic simulations and virtual nacelle lidar measurements
- A one-year long turbulence simulation using a WRF-LES based modeling system at Østerild
- Aeroelastic load validation in wake conditions using nacelle-mounted lidar measurements
- Lidar observations and numerical simulations of an atmospheric hydraulic jump and mountain waves
- Flux-gradient relation and atmospheric wind profiles — an exploration using WRF and lidars
- Wind turbine load validation in wakes using field reconstruction techniques and nacelle lidar wind retrievals
- Turbulence statistics from three different nacelle lidars
- Departure from K-theory in the planetary boundary layer
- WRF configuration
- Østerild: A natural laboratory for atmospheric turbulence
- Current and future wind energy resources in the North Sea according to CMIP6
- Calibration and validation of the Dynamic Wake Meandering model Part I: Bayesian estimation of model parameters using SpinnerLidar-derived wake characteristics
- Probabilistic estimation of the Dynamic Wake Meandering model parameters using SpinnerLidar-derived wake characteristics
- Lidar Scanning of Induction Zone Wind Fields over Sloping Terrain
- Impact of Long-Term Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise on Redemption of Sleep Medication and Antidepressants: A Nationwide Cohort Study: A Nationwide Cohort Study
- Intercomparing WRF-LES based turbulence simulations with measurements from a 250-m tall meteorological mast
- Offshore atmospheric stability estimation from floating lidar wind profiles
- Influence of nacelle-lidar scanning patterns on inflow turbulence characterization
- Turbulence statistics from three different nacelle lidars
- Evaluation of the global-blockage effect on power performance through simulations and measurements
- Wind turbine wake characterization using the SpinnerLidar measurements
- Lidar Observations and Numerical Simulations of an Atmospheric Hydraulic Jump and Mountain Waves
- Evaluation of idealized large-eddy simulations performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting model using turbulence measurements from a 250-m meteorological mast
- Comparison of large-eddy simulations of wakes with wind farm wake parametrizations using the Weather Research and Forecasting model
- Characterization of offshore vertical wind shear conditions in Southern New England
- Evaluating planetary boundary-layer schemes and large-eddy simulations with measurements from a 250-m meteorological mast
- A hybrid solution for offshore wind resource assessment from limited onshore measurements
- Assessing Obukhov Length and Friction Velocity from Floating Lidar Observations: A Data Screening and Sensitivity Computation Approach
- Evaluation of the assumptions used in the assessment of future wind resources - A case for CMIP6 in Northern Europe
- Evaluation of the global-blockage effect on power performance through simulations and measurements
- Rossby number similarity of atmospheric RANS using limited length scale turbulence closures extended to unstable stratification
- Turbulence Measurements with Dual-Doppler Scanning Lidars
- First results of Aeolus comparison to a ground-based Wind Lidar at Alaiz (Spain)
- Aero-elastic load validation in wake conditions using nacelle-mounted lidar measurements
- Evaluation of idealized large-eddy simulations performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting model using turbulence measurements from a 250 m meteorological mast
- Departure from Flux-Gradient Relation in the Planetary Boundary Layer
- Wind turbine load validation in wakes using wind field reconstruction techniques and nacelle lidar wind retrievals
- Evaluation of the the wind farm wake parametrization with large-eddy simulations of wakes in WRF
- Towards Better Wind Resource Modeling in Complex Terrain: A k-Nearest Neighbors Approach
- Reply to the comments by Dr. Tackle
- On wake modeling, wind-farm gradients and AEP predictions at the Anholt wind farm
- Evaluating Mesoscale Simulations of the Coastal Flow Using Lidar Measurements
- How does turbulence change approaching a rotor?
- Very short-term forecast of near-coastal flow using scanning lidars
- IRPWIND ScanFlow project
- On wake modeling, wind-farm gradients, and AEP predictions at the Anholt wind farm
- Long-term exposure to wind turbine noise at night and risk for diabetes: A nationwide cohort study
- How does turbulence change approaching a rotor?
- Very short-term forecast of near-coastal flow using scanning lidars
- Inflow characterization using measurements from the SpinnerLidar
- The fence experiment – full-scale lidar-based shelter observations
- Wind turbine load validation using lidar-based wind retrievals
- Response to referee nr. 2
- Simulating coastal effects on an offshore wind farm
- A method to assess the accuracy of sonic anemometer measurements
- Evaluation of two microscale flow models through two wind climate generalization procedures using observations from seven masts at a complex site in Brazil
- Analysis of Anholt offshore wind farm SCADA measurements
- Estimating near-shore wind resources
- Near-shore wind resource estimation using lidar measurements and modelling
- 30-year mesoscale model simulations for the “Noise from wind turbines and risk of cardiovascular disease” project
- Challenges in simulating coastal effects on an offshore wind farm
- Effect of Carrier to Noise Ration threshold filtering on the long-term wind speed and Weibull distribution parameters for a pulsed heterodyne wind lidar
- Anholt offshore wind farm winds investigated from satellite images
- Short-term nighttime wind turbine noise and cardiovascular events: A nationwide case-crossover study from Denmark
- On AEP prediction and wake modelling at Anholt
- RUNE benchmarks
- Pregnancy exposure to wind turbine noise and adverse birth outcomes: a nationwide cohort study
- Complex terrain experiments in the New European Wind Atlas
- WAsP 11 course notes
- Long-term exposure to wind turbine noise and redemption of antihypertensive medication: A nationwide cohort study
- Anholt offshore wind farm wake investigated from satellite data and wake models
- Coastal wind study based on Sentinel-1 and ground-based scanning lidar
- Inflow characterization using measurements from the SpinnerLidar: the ScanFlow experiment
- Response to anonymous referee 2
- Reply to referee 1
- Reply to referee 2
- Long-Term Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise and Risk for Myocardial Infarction and Stroke: A Nationwide Cohort Study: A Nationwide Cohort Study
- Turbulence characterization from a forward-looking nacelle lidar
- Turbulence characterization from a forward-looking nacelle lidar
- WindScanner measurements of turbulence
- SpinnerLidar measurements for the CCAV52
- Response to referee nr. 1
- Some comments to the manuscript
- Response to anonymous referee 1
- Response to anonymous referee 3
- Just for clarification
- Correction on the background section
- Reply to the comments by Dr. Taylor
- The RUNE Experiment–A Database of Remote-Sensing Observations of Near-Shore Winds
- WAsP 11 course notes
- Shelter models and observations
- Comparison results of lidar measurements and wind park model simulations
- Wind turbine wake models developed at the Technical University of Denmark: A review
- WAsP 11 course notes
- Using Satellite SAR to Characterize the Wind Flow around Offshore Wind Farms
- Wind resources at turbine height from Envisat and Sentinel-1 SAR
- Scanflow: High-resolution full-scale wind field measurements of the ECN’s 2.5 MW aerodynamic research wind turbine using DTU’s 3D WindScanner and SpinnerLidar for IRPWind’s and EERA’s benchmark
- Using SST and land cover data from EO Missions for improved mesoscale modelling of the coastal zone
- WRF Mesoscale Pre-Run for the Wind Atlas of Mexico
- Ten Years of Boundary-Layer and Wind-Power Meteorology at Høvsøre, Denmark
- Weibull Wind-Speed Distribution Parameters Derived from a Combination of Wind-Lidar and Tall-Mast Measurements Over Land, Coastal and Marine Sites
- Offshore wind farm wake modelling with focus on cluster scales
- Understanding the role of baroclinity on the wind in the northern seas’ coastal areas
- Effect of WRF Underestimation of Wind Profile Measurements and Weibull Distribution Parameters on Power Density
- Study on offshore wind farm wakes based on Envisat ASAR, Radarsat-2 and Sentinel-1
- Report on RUNE’s coastal experiment and first inter-comparisons between measurements systems
- WAsP 11 course notes
- The RUNE Experiment—A Database of Remote-Sensing Observations of Near-Shore Winds
- The effect of baroclinicity on the wind in the planetary boundary layer
- On the use of lidars in wind energy
- The fence experiment - a first evaluation of shelter models
- Atmospheric stability-dependent infinite wind-farm models and the wake-decay coefficient
- Wind climate estimation using WRF model output: method and model sensitivities over the sea
- MyWindTurbine – Energy Yield Calculations
- Lidar observations of marine boundary-layer winds and heights: a preliminary study
- Far wake wind field comparison between satellite retrievals and microscale model results
- On the application of the Jensen wake model using a turbulence-dependent wake decay coefficient: the Sexbierum case
- Wind profile modelling using WAsP and "tall" wind measurements
- Measuring offshore winds from onshore – one lidar or two?
- Simulation of wake effects between two wind farms
- Observations and modeling of the wind profile and wind turning in the atmospheric boundary layer
- Coastal wind study based on Sentinel-1 and ground-based scanning lidar
- Design tool for offshore wind farm cluster planning
- Evaluating and improving WAsP using tall wind measurements
- Comparing satellite SAR and wind farm wake models
- Observations of the boundary-layer height and the wind profile in the marine boundary layer
- Comparison of simulations of the far wake of alpha ventus against ship-based lidar measurements
- Reply to the Comment by Bergmann on "The Høvsøre Tall Wind-Profile Experiment: A Description of Wind Profile Observations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer"
- Remote Sensing for Wind Energy
- Energy Yield Prediction of Offshore Wind Farm Clusters at the EERA-DTOC European Project
- EERA DTOC wake results offshore
- Long-term variability of the wind speed over land, in coastal and in marine areas
- European wind resource mapping by satellite images
- Offshore wind climatology based on synergetic use of Envisat ASAR, ASCAT and QuikSCAT
- Dependence of Weibull distribution parameters on the CNR threshold i wind lidar data
- Reducing Uncertainty of Near-shore wind resource Estimates (RUNE) using wind lidars and mesoscale models
- Synthetic Aperture Radar for wind energy applications: potential and challenges at high wind speeds
- Extrapolating Satellite Winds to Turbine Operating Heights
- Using SST for imporved mesoscale modelling of the coastal zone
- Boundary-layer height detection with a ceilometer at a coastal site in western Denmark
- Offshore wind farm wake study using Envisat ASAR and Radarsat in the North Sea
- Wind Climate Estimating using WRF model Output: Model Sensitivities
- Hub Height Ocean Winds over the North Sea Observed by the NORSEWInD Lidar Array: Measuring Techniques, Quality Control and Data Management
- Modifications to the current WAsP engine for Online WAsP
- Wind characteristics in the North and Baltic Seas from the QuikSCAT satellite
- Results of wake simulations at the Horns Rev I and Lillgrund wind farms using the modified Park model
- Atmospheric stability and turbulence fluxes at Horns Rev—an intercomparison of sonic, bulk and WRF model data
- Benchmarking of wind farm scale wake models in the EERA - DTOC project
- Remote Sensing for Wind Energy
- WAsP online course notes
- Long-Term Profiles of Wind and Weibull Distribution Parameters up to 600 m in a Rural Coastal and an Inland Suburban Area
- Observations of the atmospheric boundary layer height under marine upstream flow conditions at a coastal site
- Benchmarking of Wind Turbine Wake Models in Large Offshore Windfarms
- Offshore Wind Farm Clusters - Towards new integrated Design Tool
- Modeling large offshore wind farms under different atmospheric stability regimes with the Park wake model
- The turning of the wind in the atmospheric boundary layer
- Evaluation of the wind direction uncertainty and its impact on wake modeling at the Horns Rev offshore wind farm
- Evaluating winds and vertical wind shear from Weather Research and Forecasting model forecasts using seven planetary boundary layer schemes
- Lifting of satellite winds to hub-height
- Community building and cross-border collaboration through online courses in wind energy
- Profiles of the Weibull distribution parameters of the long term wind speed measurements
- The effect of baroclinicity on the wind profile in the planetary boundary layer
- WAsP 11 course notes
- WAsP 11 course notes
- The Wind Profile in the Coastal Boundary Layer: Wind Lidar Measurements and Numerical Modelling
- Spatial and temporal variability of winds in the Northern European Seas
- Using the NORSEWInD lidar array for observing hub–height winds in the North Sea
- Measurements and modeling of the wind profile up to 600 meters at a flat coastal site
- Norsewind - array of wind lidars and meteorological masts offshore
- Bringing satellite winds to hub-height
- NORSEWIND – Mesoscale model derived Wind Atlases for the Irish Sea, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea
- Wind Farm Wake: The Horns Rev Photo Case
- Winds observed in the Northern European seas with wind lidars, meteorological masts and satellite
- Modeling large offshore wind farms under different atmospheric stability regimes with the Park wake model
- Evaluation of the Wind Direction Uncertainty And Its Impact on Wake Modelling at the Horns Rev Offshore Wind Farm
- Energy yield prediction of offshore wind farm clusters at the EERA-DTOC European project
- The Høvsøre Tall Wind-Profile Experiment: A Description of Wind Profile Observations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Online training in WAsP for wind energy professionals
- Combining satellite winds and NWP modelling for wind resource mapping offshore
- The Tall Wind-Profile Offshore Experiment: Wind Profile Observations in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- WAsP 10 course notes
- Spectral analysis of ENVISAT ASAR & QuikSCAT winds
- Comparison of Large Eddy Simulations of a convective boundary layer with wind LIDAR measurements
- NORSEWInD satellite wind climatology
- The wind profile in the coastal boundary layer
- NORSEWIND – Mesoscale model derived Wind Atlases for the Irish Sea, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea
- On the relation between the wind above the planetary boundary layer and hubheight wind: the baroclinic case
- Wind atlas of the Northern European Seas based on Envisat ASAR, QuikSCAT and ASCAT
- Spectral Properties of ENVISAT ASAR and QuikSCAT Surface Winds in the North Sea
- Challenges in wind modelling for modern wind turbines
- Wind Resource Mapping over the North Sea using Satellite SAR
- Analysis of diabatic flow modification in the internal boundary layer
- WAsP 10 course notes
- Remote Sensing for Wind Energy
- Lidar Scanning of Momentum Flux in and above the Atmospheric Surface Layer
- Revising the WASP-Park'S model wake decay coefficient for different atmospheric stabilities to better predict wind farm outputs
- Advancements in Wind Energy Metrology – UPWIND 1A2.3
- Recent Achievements with Ground-Based Remote Sensing for PBL Research
- Aerosol lidar observations for wind power meteorology
- South Baltic Wind Atlas
- WAsP 10 course notes
- Combining satellite wind maps and mesoscale modelling for a wind atlas of the South Baltic Sea
- WAsP 10 course notes
- ASAR for offshore wind energy
- Advances in Offshore Wind Resource Estimation
- "Tall" wind profiles and the effect of offshore atmospheric stability
- Revising the WASP-Park'S model wake decay coefficient for different atmospheric stabilities to better predict wind farm outputs
- Comparing modelled wind profile with long-range wind lidar measurements at a flat coastal site
- The NORSEWInD numerical wind atlas for the South Baltic
- Lidar observations of ash plume across Europe
- Offshore wind resource estimation for wind energy
- The wind profile up to 600 meters at a flat coastal site; Comparison between WRF modeling and lidar measurements
- Wind lidar profile measurements in the coastal boundary layer: comparison with WRF modelling
- Comprehensive utilization of mesoscale modelling for wind energy applications
- Wake models developed during the Wind Shadow Project
- Winds in the South Baltic Sea - Working towards a wind Atlas
- Comparison of the atmospheric stability and wind profiles at two wind farm sites over a long marine fetch in the North Sea
- Long-term vertical wind shear observed by wind lidars at several locations in the North Sea
- WAsP 10 course notes
- WAsP 10 course notes
- Atmospheric boundary layer wind profile at a flat coastal site – wind speed lidar measurements and mesoscale modeling results
- Offshore vertical wind shear: Final report on NORSEWInD’s work task 3.1
- SAR-based Wind Resource Statistics in the Baltic Sea
- Length Scales of the Neutral Wind Profile over Homogeneous Terrain
- Comparing mixing-length models of the diabatic wind profile over homogeneous terrain
- Some challenges of wind modelling for modern wind turbines: The Weibull distribution
- Wind atlas mapping in the South Baltic Sea: methods and results
- Simulating the vertical structure of the wind with the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model
- The modeling and observation of the long-term offshore vertical wind profile and wind shear
- Steps towards a SAR-based wind atlas in the Baltic Sea
- Comparing modeled wind profile with long-range wind lidar measurements at a flat coastal site
- Wind energy resources of the South Baltic Sea
- Atmospheric boundary layer wind profile at a flat coastal site - wind speed lidar measurements and mesoscale modeling results during a summer period
- Wind Atlas in Northern European Seas: the EU-Norsewind project
- The wind profile up to 600 meters at a flat coastal site; Comparison between WRF modeling and lidar measurements
- A Hybrid Method for Offshore Wind Resource Assessment
- Analysis of diabatic flow modification in the internal boundary layer
- QuikSCAT for wind energy resource assessment
- Wind Conditions for Wind Farm Hanstholm
- Validation of boundary-layer winds from WRF Mesoscale Forecasts with applications to wind energy forecasting
- Sensing the wind profile
- 12 MW
- Offshore winds using remote sensing techniques
- Extending the wind profile much higher than the surface layer
- WAsP 10 course notes
- Validation of boundary-layer winds from WRF mesoscale forecasts with applications to wind energy forecasting
- Measurements and modelling of the wind speed profile in the marine atmospheric boundary layer
- On the length-scale of the wind profile
- Offshore wind profiling using light detection and ranging measurements
- Remote sensing observation used in offshore wind energy
- Derivation and application of an empirical equation to estimat4e hub-height wind speed from sea surface wind speed
- The length scale of the diabatic wind profile
- Lidar Scanning of Momentum Flux in the Marine Boundary Layer
- Offshore winds using sensing techniques
- Evaluation of the offshore wind resource using LIDAR
- Wind speed distributions in neutral atmospheres over homogeneous terrain
- Wind class sampling of satellite SAR imagery for offshore wind resource mapping
- Charnock's Roughness Length Model and Non-dimensional Wind Profiles Over the Sea
- Validation of Boundary Layer Winds from WRF Mesoscale Forecasts over Denmark
- Lidar and sodar offshore
- Wind profiles for large wind turbines
- Validation of Boundary-Layer Winds from WRF Mesoscale Forecasts with Applications to Wind Energy Forecasting
- LiDAR observations of offshore winds at future wind turbine operating heights
- Mapping of offshore wind resources
- Remote Sensing for Wind Energy
- The Tall Wind project - exploring the wind profile and boundary-layer height in the atmosphere's first kilometer over flat terrain
- Boundary-layer height in a rural/coastal area determined by a ceilometer
- The dependence of wake losses on atmospheric stability characteristics
- Evaluation of orography and roughness model inputs and deep neural network regression for wind speed predictions
- Floating Lidar Assessment of Atmospheric Stability in the North Sea
- Dependence of turbulence estimations on nacelle-lidar scanning strategies
- Evaluation of the Fitch Wind-Farm Wake Parameterization with Large-Eddy Simulations of Wakes Using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Numerical evaluation of multivariate power curves for wind turbines in wakes using nacelle lidars
- A Motion-Correction Method for Turbulence Estimates from Floating Lidars
- A new RANS-based wind farm parametrization and inflow model for wind farm cluster modeling
- DecoWind: Development of low-noise and cost-effective wind farm control technology
- Offshore wind resource assessment based on scarce spatio-temporal measurements using matrix factorization
- Wind Energy and the Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for Mexico
- A method to correct for the effect of blockage and wakes on power performance measurements
- Dependence of turbulence estimations on nacelle lidar scanning strategies
- On the Retrieval of Surface-Layer Parameters from Lidar Wind-Profile Measurements
- Using Observed and Modelled Heat Fluxes for Improved Extrapolation of Wind Distributions
- A new RANS-based wind farm parameterization and inflow model for wind farm cluster modeling
- Can we yet do a fairer and more complete validation of wind farm parametrizations in the WRF model?
- Feedforward pitch control for a 15-MW wind turbine using a spinner-mounted single-beam lidar
- Retrieving Monin-Obukhov Dimensionless Wind Shear And Stability From Floating Lidar Observations
- On the Use of Wind Profiles to Assess Surface Boundary-Layer Parameters
- Evaluation of wind farm parameterizations in the WRF model under different atmospheric stability conditions with high-resolution wake simulations
- Impact of probe volume and peak detection methods on lidar rotor effective wind speed and turbulence intensity estimations
- Feedforward pitch control for a 15 MW wind turbine using a spinner-mounted single-beam lidar
- Investigation of air-sea interaction with a One-Way Coupling between a Spectral Wave Model and WRF-LES
- One-year-long turbulence measurements and modeling using large-eddy simulation domains in the Weather Research and Forecasting model
- Wind turbine power curve modelling under wake conditions using measurements from a spinner-mounted lidar
- Impact of floating turbine motion on nacelle lidar turbulence measurements
- Atmospheric flow simulation over stationary waves with various steepness using WRF-LES
- A WRF-LES study of turbine inflow and wake characterization
- Unraveling the lidar-turbulence paradox
- On the lidar-turbulence paradox and possible countermeasures
- Tall Wind Profile Validation Using Lidar Observations and Hindcast Data
- Resolving the lidar-turbulence paradox
- One-year-long turbulence measurements and modeling using LES domains in the WRF model