- Myfish : Maximising yield of fisheries while balancing ecosystem, economic and social concerns
- Fremadrettet forvaltning af tobis i Nordsøen
- Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62° N (HAWG)
- Productivity and recovery of forage fish under climate change and fishing: North Sea sandeel as a case study
- A trans-Atlantic examination of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus food habits
- Effects of changes in stock productivity and mixing on sustainable fishing and economic viability
- Moving beyond the MSY concept to reflect multidimensional fisheries management objectives
- Density-dependent changes in effective area occupied for sea-bottom-associated marine fishes
- Practical steps toward integrating economic, social and institutional elements in fisheries policy and management
- Achieving maximum sustainable yield in mixed fisheries: A management approach for the North Sea demersal fisheries
- Inclusion of ecological, economic, social, and institutional considerations when setting targets and limits for multispecies fisheries
- Food for thought: Pretty good multispecies yield
- Shifts in North Sea forage fish productivity and potential fisheries yield
- Fishing for MSY: Using "pretty good yield" ranges without impairing recruitment
- The MSY concept in a multi-objective fisheries environment - Lessons from the North Sea
- Towards ecosystem-based management: Identifying operational food-web indicators for marine ecosystems
- “Overarching sustainability objectives overcome incompatible directions in the Common Fisheries Policy”
- Spatial differences in growth of lesser sandeel in the North Sea
- Integrating the scale of population processes into fisheries management, as illustrated in the sandeel, Ammodytes marinus
- Periodic fluctuations in recruitment success of Atlantic cod
- Scale-specific density dependence in North Sea sandeel
- Temperature and body size affect recruitment and survival of sandeel across the North Sea
- Bevarelse af et bæredygtigt industri-fiskeri: Brisling i Nordsøen og IIIa (BEBRIS)
- Climate- and density-dependent regulation of fish growth throughout ontogeny: North Sea sprat as a case study
- A framework for managing fisheries with multiple economic, ecosystem and social objectives
- Achieving Mixed-fisheries and multispecies MSY in the North Sea demersal fisheries
- Tobis skrabetogtet viste lave forekomster af tobis
- Are FMSY ranges a promising or a dangerous option?
- Are fish sensitive to trawling recovering in European waters?
- Benchmark Workshop on Sprat (WKSPRAT 2018)
- Workshop on the management strategy evaluation of the reference point, Fcap, for Sprat in Division 3.a and Subarea 4. (WKspratMSE)
- Working Group on the Ecosystem Effects of Fishing Activities (WGECO)
- Inter-benchmark process on Sandeel (Ammodytes spp.) in Area 2r (central and southern North Sea, Dogger Bank), and Area 3r (Skagerrak, northern and central North Sea) (IBPSandeel)
- Report of the Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62°N (HAWG)
- Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62 deg N (HAWG)
- Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62° N (HAWG)
- Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Review of technical measures (part 1) (STECF-20-02)
- Biomass limit reference points are sensitive to estimation method, time‐series length and stock development
- Are fish sensitive to trawling recovering in the Northeast Atlantic?
- Miljøskånsomhed og økologisk bæredygtighed i dansk fiskeri
- Forbedring af forvaltningsgrundlaget for bestande i det rekreative fiskeri (REKREA)
- Situationsbeskrivelse af den danske fiskeri-, akvakultur og fiskeindustrisektor:
- Effektvurdering af hav- og fiskeriudviklingsprogrammet 2021-2027
- GAP-ANALYSE: Fremskrivning af menneskelige aktiviteter og presfaktorer
- KYSTFISK III. Population connectivity of cod and plaice in Danish coastal waters
- Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM)
- Get up early: Revealing behavioral responses of sandeel to ocean warming using commercial catch data
- Trading yield against precautionarity and the need for stability in the fishing sector
- Optimal bæredygtig udnyttelse af tilgængelige torskebestande for dansk fiskeri
- Lost in translation: Increased complexity in management results in lost pelagic catch opportunities
- What is it we want to maximise and sustain in Maximum Sustainable Yield?
- What is MSY when stock productivity shifts? A worked example from the North Sea
- Modelling prey consumption and switching by UK grey seals
- Identifying marine pelagic ecosystem management objectives and indicators
- Does copepod size determine food consumption of particulate feeding fish?
- Estimating the relationship between abundance and distribution
- Surveillance indicators and their use in implementation of the marine strategy framework directive
- Ecosystem-based management objectives for the North Sea: Riding the forage fish rollercoaster
- Seabirds maintain offspring provisioning rate despite fluctuations in prey abundance: A multi-species functional response for guillemots in the North Sea
- Assessing the state of pelagic fish communities within an ecosystem approach and the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive
- Comparative analysis of marine ecosystems: Workshop on predator-prey interactions
- Effect of spatial differences in growth on distribution of seasonally co-occurring herring Clupea harengus stocks
- Zooplankton mortality in 3D ecosystem modelling considering variable spatial-temporal fish consumptions in the North Sea
- Patchy zooplankton grazing and high energy conversion efficiency: Ecological implications of sandeel behavior and strategy
- Integrated assessment of marine biodiversity status using a prototype indicator-based assessment tool
- Forage fish, their fisheries, and their predators: Who drives whom?
- Do North Sea cod (Gadus morhua) fisheries maintain high catch rates at low stock size?
- Inferring the location and scale of mixing between habitat areas of lesser sandeel through information from the fishery
- Tobis skrabetogt viser lave forekomster af tobis
- Bestandsvurdering af tobis
- Explaining growth variation over large spatial scales: Effects of temperature and food on walleye growth
- Torsk og klima
- A framework for multispecies assessment and management
- Fast growing fish living dangerous lives: Gadoids in the North Atlantic
- To eat glass or fish, that is the question: A Trans-Atlantic examination of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) food habits
- Priority research areas for evaluating ecosystem consequences of a discard ban
- Minimising conflicts in mixed-fisheries management using flexible Harvest Control Rules
- Achieving MSY and minimising conflicts in mixed-fisheries management
- Larval grazing on zooplankton from a spatial model of the North Sea larval community
- Estimering af zooplankton dødelighed i en 3D økosystemmodel ved at anvende en rumlig- og tidslig varierende fiskeprædation
- Relaxing technical regulations under the Landings Obligation – effects on the discard ratio
- Ups and downs in the cooperation between Danish fishers and scientists
- Are ‘pretty good yield’ ranges precautionary?
- MSY ranges in a multispecies stochastic model environment
- The MSY concept in a multi-objective fisheries environment – lessons learned from the North Sea
- Beyond the Target Species: Future Consequences of MSY under different scenarios of change
- Effects of recent changes in stock conditions and mixing on sustainability and economic viability of the fishery – The Danish fisheries for Baltic cod
- Empowering fishermen towards the landing obligations, with their own technical solutions
- The future of sustainable harvesting strategies
- Identifying pelagic ecosystem indicators for management
- Setting maximum sustainable yield targets when yield of one species affects that of other species
- Consumption of fish by top predators in the North Sea
- How does prey availability affect the provisioning of chicks by parent birds? A functional response for guillemots in the North Sea
- Spatial selection of sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) by grey seals (Halichoerus grypus)
- Spatial differences in natural mortality of North Sea gadoids
- Torsk og klima i Nordsøen
- Surveillance indicators and their use in implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
- Effects of changes in sandeel availability on the reproductive output of seabirds
- Estimation of evacuation rates in the field
- Bias in estimating food consumption of fish by stomach-content analysis
- Warm, windy winters drive cod north and homing of spawners keeps them there
- The effect of stomach fullness on food intake of whiting in the North Sea
- Diel feeding pattern of whiting in the North Sea
- Analyses of length and age distributions using continuation-ratio logits
- Growth, temperature, and density relationships of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua)
- Functional and aggregative response of North Sea whiting
- Prey switching of cod and whiting in the North Sea
- Modelling the population dynamics of sandeel ( Ammodytes marinus ) populations in the North Sea on a spatial resolved level : Final report
- Prey switching and the implications for the use of predatory fish as bioindicators
- Modelling food selection by North Sea whiting
- Does the diet of cod and whiting reflect the species composition estimated from trawl surveys?
- Hvillingen - en vigtig konkurrent til fiskeriet?
- Tobis, tobisfiskeri og havfugle
- Indsamling af detaljerede oplysninger om tobisfiskeriet i Nordsøen
- Strength and consistency of density dependence in marine fish productivity
- The identification of measures to protect by-catch species in mixed-fisheries management plans (ProByFish): Final Report
- Turning reference points inside out: comparing MSY reference points estimated inside and outside the assessment model
- Exploring ecosystem-based management in the North Atlantic
- Collection of by-catch data for seabirds and marine mammals and by-catch and population densities for non-commercial fish
- Workshop on ICES reference points (WKREF2)
- Ecosystem based management of fish stocks in the North Sea (ECOMAN)
- Workshop 2 on Fish Distribution (WKFISHDISH2; outputs from 2022 meeting)
- Validation of selected sustainability indicators and underlying methodologies for the revision of the EU marketing standards for fisheries products
- Increasing the uptake of multispecies models in fisheries management
- Effects of a fishery closure and prey abundance on seabird diet and breeding success: Implications for strategic fisheries management and seabird conservation
- Benchmark workshop on Northern Shelf cod stocks (WKBCOD)
- Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62° N (HAWG).
- Top 10 marine litter items on the seafloor in European seas from 2012 to 2020
- The interactions between fishing mortality, age, condition and recruitment in exploited fish populations in the North Sea
- DNA based monitoring of sharks, skates and rays, and risk-based evaluation of bycatch in Danish fisheries
- DTU Aquas leverancer til Fiskerikommissionen
- HELCOM Thematic assessment of hazardous substances, marine litter, underwater noise and non-indigenous species 2016-2021. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings n°190
- Benchmark workshop on sandeel (ammodytes spp.) (Outputs from 2022 and 2023 meetings) (WKSANDEEL)
- Effect of tow duration, door spread, and swept area on the catch efficiency of a bottom trawl
- Abundance and catch of sensitive non-commercial fish species in Danish waters
- Udvikling i havbundens tilstand i havene omkring Danmark. Analyser til støtte for status for havstrategiens deskriptor 6
- Mapping of seabed habitats and impacts of beam trawling and other demersal fisheries for spatial ecosystem-based management of the Jammer Bay (JAMBAY Executive Report)
- Fisheries resources and socio-economy (JAMBAY WP4)
- Herring Assessment Working Group (HAWG)
- Workshop on the calculation and evaluation of new reference points for category 1–2 stocks (WKNEWREF)
- Rådgivning for stenbiderfiskeriet i 2025 og evaluering af stenbiderfiskeriet i 2024
- Miljøtilstand for danske kommercielle fiskebestande. Analyser til støtte for status i forhold til havstrategiens deskriptor 3
- SEAwise Report on fisheries spatial distribution responding to climate-related factors and ecological change.
- Udvikling i fødenettet i havene omkring Danmark 1990 til 2022. Analyser til støtte for status i forhold til havstrategiens deskriptor 4
- Hypoxia effects on stock assessment: A case study of the South-Western Baltic