- A Look into Circular Economy Research: Exploring the Bio and Techno Cycles and the Need for Dual Circularity
- Investigating Drivers and Barriers for the Development of Product-Service Systems in Capital Goods Manufacturing Companies
- Comparing Life Cycle Impact Assessment, Circularity and Sustainability Indicators for Sustainable Design: Results from a Hands-On Project with 87 Engineering Students
- Design for sustainable behaviour in product/service systems - A systematic review
- Analysis of national policies for Circular Economy transitions: Modelling and simulating the Brazilian industrial agreement for electrical and electronic equipment
- Sustainable Product Design Education: Current Practice
- Research avenues for uncovering the rebound effects of the circular economy: A systematic literature review
- Closing the loop: Establishing reverse logistics for a circular economy, a systematic review
- Designing Configurator for Take-Back for a Circular Economy – A Conceptual Framework
- Towards the Smart Circular Economy Paradigm: A Definition, Conceptualization, and Research Agenda
- Circular Economy Sustainability Screening: CIRCit Workbook 1
- Circular Economy in the Digital Age
- Designing sustainable product-service systems
- Proposal of a Dual Circularity Concept for Sustainable Design
- To what extent do circular economy indicators capture sustainability?
- Towards product-service system oriented to circular economy: A systematic review of value proposition design approaches
- Circular Economy in the WEEE industry: a systematic literature review and a research agenda
- Creativity in successful eco-design supported by ten original guidelines
- A system dynamics-based framework for examining Circular Economy transitions
- Servitization maturity model: developing distinctive capabilities for successful servitization in manufacturing companies
- To What Extent Is Circular Product Design Supporting Carbon Reduction Strategies? An Analysis of Nordic Manufacturing Firms within the Science-Based Targets Initiative
- Sustainability Driven Product-Service Systems Development: A Case Study in a Capital Goods Manufacturing Company
- Making the transition to a Circular Economy within manufacturing companies: the development and implementation of a self-assessment readiness tool
- A Trade-Off Navigation Framework as a Decision Support for Conflicting Sustainability Indicators within Circular Economy Implementation in the Manufacturing Industry
- Towards a novel Business, Environmental and Social Screening Tool for Product-Service Systems (BESST PSS) design
- Unveiling the dynamic complexity of rebound effects in sustainability transitions: Towards a system's perspective
- Designing Take-Back for Single Use Medical Devices: The Case of ReturpenTM
- Are Eco-Design Strategies Implemented in Products? A Study on the Agreement Level of Independent Observers
- The rebound effect of circular economy: Definitions, mechanisms and a research agenda
- Developing a Tool to Support Decisions in Sustainability-Related Trade-Off Situations: Understanding Needs and Criteria
- Evaluating the Environmental Performance of a Product/Service-System Business Model for Merino Wool Next-to-Skin Garments: The Case of Armadillo Merino®
- A Procedure to Support Systematic Selection of Leading Indicators for Sustainability Performance Measurement of Circular Economy Initiatives
- Circular Product Design and Development: CIRCit Workbook 3
- Circular Economy Business Modelling: CIRCit Workbook 2
- Smart Circular Economy: CIRCit Workbook 4
- Closing the Loop for a Circular Economy: CIRCit Workbook 5
- Collaborating and Networking for a Circular Economy: CIRCit Workbook 6
- From theory to practice: systematising and testing business model archetypes for circular economy
- Defining the Requirements for a Tool to Support Circular Economy Business Model Innovation within Manufacturing Companies
- Circular business models: A review
- Biologically inspired design for environment
- Circular economy enabled by additive manufacturing: potential opportunities and key sustainability aspects
- Circularity Evaluation of Alternative Concepts During Early Product Design and Development
- Ökodesign
- An expert system for circular economy business modelling: advising manufacturing companies in decoupling value creation from resource consumption
- Strategic Development of Product-Service Systems (PSS) through Archetype Assessment
- Circular Economy business model innovation: sectorial patterns within manufacturing companies
- Value proposition of product-service systems: an experimental study to compare two different design approaches
- Developing a process model for Circular Economy business model innovation within manufacturing companies
- Enablers, levers and benefits of Circular Economy in the Electrical and Electronic Equipment supply chain: a literature review
- The Deployment of Product-Related Environmental Legislation into Product Requirements
- Exploring the dynamic and complex integration of sustainability performance measurement into product development
- Evaluating the Potential Business Benefits of Ecodesign Implementation: A Logic Model Approach
- Implications of developing a tool for sustainability screening of circular economy initiatives
- Sustainability integration in a technology readiness assessment framework
- Building a business case for ecodesign implementation: A system dynamics approach
- Defining the challenges for ecodesign implementation in companies: Development and consolidation of a framework
- Moulded Pulp Manufacturing: Overview and Prospects for the Process Technology
- Maturity-based approach for the development of environmentally sustainable product/service-systems
- Product/Service‐Systems for a Circular Economy: The Route to Decoupling Economic Growth from Resource Consumption?
- Embracing Circular Economy: a journey seen through the perspective of Sustainability Maturity
- A guide for evaluating the environmental performance of Product/Service-Systems
- Ecodesign Implementation and LCA
- Rest to Resource – Circular Innovation and Business Development in SMEs
- Sustainable Qualifying Criteria for Designing Circular Business Models
- Enabling circular strategies with different types of product/service-systems
- Product/Service-System Origins and Trajectories: A Systematic Literature Review of PSS Definitions and their Characteristics
- Editorial
- Exploring the Synergistic Relationships of Circular Business Model Development and Product Design
- How can design science contribute to a circular economy?
- The emergent role of digital technologies in the Circular Economy: A review
- Building a Business Case for Eco-design Implementation: A System Dynamics Approach
- Making the Transition to Circular Economy through readiness assessment
- Latency and Criticality of Uncertainties in the Development of Product-Service Systems
- Typology of Uncertainties in the Development Process of Product-Service Systems
- Scientific support for business with implementing circular economy for enhanced competitiveness and sustainability
- Exploring Circular Strategy Combinations - towards Understanding the Role of PSS
- Measuring the implementation of ecodesign management practices: a review and consolidation of process-oriented performance indicators
- Linking ecodesign capabilities to corporate performance: proposal of a simulation-based approach
- Guidelines for evaluating the environmental performance of Product/Service-Systems through life cycle assessment
- Simulation-Based Business Case for PSS: A System Dynamics Framework
- Business model innovation for circular economy and sustainability: A review of approaches
- From Ecodesign to Sustainable Product/Service-Systems: A Journey Through Research Contributions over Recent Decades
- Designing Product Service Systems for a Circular Economy
- Analysis of Uncertainty in the Development of Integrated Solutions
- Environmental Lifecycle Hotspots and the Implementation of Eco-design Principles: Does Consistency Pay off?
- Business cases for ecodesign implementation: a simulation-based framework
- Configuring New Business Models for Circular Economy through Product–Service Systems
- Business model innovation for circular economy: integrating literature and practice into a conceptual process model
- Configuring new business models for circular economy: from patterns and design options to action
- Potential of circular economy implementation in the mechatronics industry: An exploratory research
- Developing a circular strategies framework for manufacturing companies to support circular economy-oriented innovation
- Towards the ex-ante sustainability screening of circular economy initiatives in manufacturing companies: Consolidation of leading sustainability-related performance indicators
- Can the choice of eco-design principles affect products’ success?
- A theoretical foundation for developing a prescriptive method for the co-design of circular economy value chains
- Stay in the loop: the role of indicators in supporting decisions for circular economy strategies aiming at extending products life
- Ecom2 web portal: Collecting empiricaldata and supporting companies’ ecodesign implementation and management
- Deployment and implementation of the grundfos’ sustainability strategy by means of the ecodesign maturity model
- Supporting eco-design implementation within small and large companies
- Ecodesign Maturity Model (EcoM2): the application method
- Ecodesign maturity model as a framework to support the transition towards iso 14.001:2015 certification
- Integrating Product and Technology Development: A Proposed Reference Model for Dual Innovation
- Melhoria do Desempenho Ambiental de Produtos através da Integração de Métodos do Ecodesign ao Processo de Desenvolvimento Produtos
- Aplicação do Modelo de Maturidade em Ecodesign (EcoM2) na Embraer
- Metodos e ferramentas de Ecodesign: revisao bibliografica sistematica
- Leading product-related environmental performance indicators: a selection guide and database
- Deployment and implementation of the grundfos' sustainability strategy by means of the ecodesign maturity model
- Ecodesign methods focused on remanufacturing
- Ecom2 web portal: Collecting empiricaldata and supporting companies' ecodesign implementation and management
- Prototypical implementation of a remanufacturing oriented grinding machine
- Systematization of best practices for ecodesign implementation
- Characterization of the State-of-the-art and Identification of Main Trends for Ecodesign Tools and Methods: Classifying Three Decades of Research and Implementation
- Ecodesign maturity model: A management framework to support ecodesign implementation into manufacturing companies
- Supporting the development of environmentally sustainable PSS by means of the ecodesign maturity model
- Proposal of an Ecodesign Maturity Model: Supporting companies to improve environmental sustainability
- Process-related key performance indicators for measuring sustainability performance of ecodesign implementation into product development
- Eco-Innovation Manual
- Maturing the sustainability performance of manufacturing companies
- KPIs for measuring the sustainability performance of ecodesign implementation into product development and related processes: a systematic literature review
- Systematic Approach to Formulate PSS Development Project Proposals in the Fuzzy Front End
- How to evaluate the environmental performance of Product/Service- Systems (PSS)?
- Product-related Environmental Performance Indicators: a systematic literature review
- Driving behavioural change towards ecodesign integration: Nudging experiment in industry
- Best practices for the integration of social sustainability into product development and related processes
- Guidelines for the Deployment of Product-Related Environmental Legislation into Requirements for the Product Development Process
- Strategic implementation of design for environment at Embraer
- How to mature the abilities of companies to a successful transition to Circular Economy?
- Survey on Industry Requirements and Drivers for the Development of a Process-Related Certification Scheme for Ecodesign Implementation and Management
- Framework for measuring the sustainability performance of ecodesign implementation
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Discussion on Full-Scale and Simplified Assessments to Support the Product Development Process
- Development of a Toolbox for the Implementation of Sustainability in the Product Development Processes at Grundfos Holding A/S
- Ecodesign em Produtos e Serviços: a Experiência do Brasil no Desenvolvimento do Modelo de Maturidade em Ecodesign (EcoM2)
- Improving Product’s Environmental Performance by Integrating Ecodesign Methods and Tools into a Reference Model for New Product Development
- Ecodesign Maturity Model: the Ecodesign Practices
- Métodos e ferramentas de Ecodesign: revisão bibliográfica sistemática
- Process-oriented performance indicators for measuring ecodesign management practices
- How Product-Service Systems can enable Remanufacturing?
- Ecodesign Maturity Model: criteria for methods and tools classification
- Measuring and Maturing the Sustainability Performance of Companies
- Best practices for the integration of social sustainability into product development and related processes
- Improving environmental performance of products by integrating ecodesign methods and tools into a reference model for new product development
- Integracao do Ecodesign em um Modelo de Referencia para a Gestao do Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos
- Ecodesign: Métodos e Ferramentas
- Is the Industrial Product-Service System really sustainable?
- Proposta de Roteiros para a Sistematização do Uso de Métodos e Ferramentas do Ecodesign
- Análise Comparativa entre o MEPSS e o modelo de Referência Unificado para o Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos (PDP)
- Ecodesign for remanufacturing
- Integrating Ecodesign Methods into a Product Life Cycle Managament (PLM) Framework
- A Proposal for a Framework for Life Cycle Engineering
- Integração de Métodos e Ferramentas de Ecodesign ao Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos
- Integrating Ecodesign Methods and Tools focused on Remanufacturing into the Product Development Process
- A Proposal of a Framework for Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM) in the Context of Product-Service Systems (PSS)
- Remanufacturing on a Framework for Integrated Technology and Product-System Lifecycle Management (ITPSLM)
- Metodologia para Implantação de Ecodesign na Whirlpool Latin America
- Measuring the readiness of SMEs for eco-innovation and industrial symbiosis: Development of a screening tool
- How Are Emotional Attachment Strategies Currently Employed in Product-Service System Cases? A Systematic Review Underscoring Drivers and Hindrances
- Impacts, synergies, and rebound effects arising in combinations of Product-Service Systems (PSS) and circularity strategies
- Measuring the adoption of circular economy at the company level: usefulness and applicability of the OCE index
- Nexus Between Life Cycle Assessment, Circularity and Sustainability Indicators
- Management Practices for Sustainable Product Development
- The Effects of Scenarios on Decision-Making Quality in Early Design
- Instantiating a Generic Process Model for Early-Stage Product-Service System (PSS) Design in Two capital Goods Manufacturing Companies
- How can technology assessment tools support sustainable innovation? A systematic literature review and synthesis
- How ready is the wind energy industry for the circular economy?
- Towards early environmental sustainability assessment in technology development – understanding and overcoming challenges
- Towards a circular economy: Development of a support tool for designing reverse logistics systems
- Towards a systemic view on rebound effects: Modelling the feedback loops of rebound mechanisms
- Consolidation of management practices for Sustainable Product Development
- Mapping the potential intended and unintended consequences of Circular Economy policy measures: the common charger initiative
- Uncovering rebound effects of sufficiency-oriented product-service systems: a systematic review
- Design and collaboration strategies for circular economy implementation across the value chain
- Integration of sustainability into product development: insights from an industry survey
- Towards a unified absolute environmental sustainability decoupling indicator
- Interpretation of sustainability philosophies into product design for awareness, cohesion, and equity
- Scenario building guidelines for sustainable innovation
- Identifying rebound effects in product-service systems: actors, mechanisms, triggers and drivers
- Feedback thought at the intersection of systems and design science
- What’s the catch? Trade-off challenges in early design for sustainability
- Explaining the rebound effects of sustainable design: a behavioural perspective
- Categorization of manufacturing companies’ readiness profiles for the transition to the circular economy
- Things Are Cheap, Hurrah! Towards an Alternative Aesthetic of Consumption
- A simulation-based approach for investigating the dynamics of rebound effects in the circular economy
- Enabling environmental sustainability and circularity assessment in technology development
- Designing and operationalising extended producer responsibility under the EU Green Deal
- A Multi-level Resource Circularity Index based in the European Union’s Circular Economy Monitoring Framework
- Evaluation and instantiation of a generic process model for early-stage sustainable product-service system design within three manufacturing companies
- An investigation into the extent to which sustainable product development practices are implemented in manufacturing companies
- Multidisciplinary perspectives on rebound effects in sustainability: A systematic review
- Revealing Methodological Approaches to Account for Circular Economy in Support of the Science-Based Targets for Carbon Emissions
- Reboundless design: towards the prevention of rebound effects by design
- Exploring the Landscape of Contemporary Sustainability Philosophies
- To what extent are circular economy strategies accounted in science-based targets for carbon emission reduction?