- Noise emission from wind turbines in wake - Measurement and modeling
- In search for a canonical design ABL stability class for wind farm turbines
- Noise model for serrated trailing edges compared to wind tunnel measurements
- Wind turbine noise generation and propagation modeling at DTU Wind Energy: A review
- Aerodynamic effects of compressibility for wind turbines at high tip speeds
- A new multi-fidelity flow-acoustics simulation framework for wind farm application
- IEA Wind TCP Task 29, Phase IV:: Detailed Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines
- DecoWind: Development of low-noise and cost-effective wind farm control technology
- Aeroacoustic noise sources and their characterization
- Analyses of the mechanisms of amplitude modulation of aero-acoustic wind turbine sound
- Basic Principles and Evidences of Wind Turbine Noise Generation Mechanisms
- An overview of recent research on AM and OAM of wind turbine noise
- A roadmap for required technological advancements to further reduce onshore wind turbine noise impact on the environment
- Comparison of High-Fidelity Turbulence Modelling Approaches for Hybrid CAA Studies of Trailing Edge Noise
- Wind Turbine Aerodynamic Noise Sources
- Benchmarking of the NACA 633-018 Trailing-Edge Noise in a Broad Reynolds Number Range as Part of the IEA Task 39
- Propagation of wind turbine noise: measurements and model evaluation
- Aerodynamic noise characterization of a full-scale wind turbine through high-frequency surface pressure measurements
- Validation of noise propagation models against detailed flow and acoustic measurements
- SPCE: Sound Propagation Comparison Exercise
- Experimental investigation of the surface pressure field for prediction of trailing edge noise of wind turbine aerofoils
- A combined aeroelastic‐aeroacoustic model for wind turbine noise: verification and analysis of field measurements
- Broadband Trailing-Edge Noise Predictions - Overview of BANC-III Results
- Tuning of turbulent boundary layer anisotropy for improved surface pressure and trailing-edge noise modeling
- Analyses of the mechanisms of amplitude modulation of aero-acoustic wind turbine sound
- Cyclic pitch for the control of wind turbine noise amplitude modulation
- Experimental Characterization of Stall Noise Toward its Modelling
- Correlation of amplitude modulation to inflow characteristics
- Improvement of TNO type trailing edge noise models
- Validation of an Aero-Acoustic Wind Turbine Noise Model Using Advanced Noise Source Measurements of a 500kW Turbine
- A semi-empirical airfoil stall noise model based on surface pressure measurements
- A novel full scale experimental characterization of wind turbine aero-acoustic noise sources - preliminary results
- Trailing Edge Noise Prediction of Wind Turbine Airfoils: A Benchmark Exercise
- A noise generation and propagation model for large wind farms
- Improvement of TNO type trailing edge noise models
- Cross-Cutting Activities 2016 on Wind Turbine Noise, Summary Report
- A temporal wind turbine model for low-frequency noise
- Corrigendum to “A semi-empirical airfoil stall noise model based on surface pressure measurements” [J. Sound Vib. 387 (2017) 127–162]
- Wind Turbine Acoustic Day 2018 - Summary of the 3rd edition
- Extension of EllipSys to compressible flows - Implementation and verifications
- Impact of atmospheric stability conditions on wind farm loading and production
- CFD simulations of a conceptual Rain Erosion Teste
- A Wind Turbine Noise Code Benchmark - Round 1
- Analysis of low-frequency noise from wind turbines using a temporal noise code
- Analysis of Log-amplitude Saturation of Noise Emission from a Loudspeaker in a Wind Turbine Nacelle
- A Tower Wake Model for Low-Frequency Noise of Downwind Turbine Rotors
- Turbulent boundary layer trailing-edge noise: Theory, computation, experiment, and application
- Numerical investigation of vortex-induced forces on a wind turbine tower segment at very high Reynolds numbers
- Sound-propagation in wind energy: A code2code-comparison
- Assessment of Road Traffic Noise in a Danish City Using Mobile Monitoring and Statistical Modelling Approaches
- Validations and improvements of airfoil trailing-edge noise prediction models using detailed experimental data
- Surface Pressure Measurements on a NACA0015 airfoil compared to Computations with the TNO Trailing Edge Noise Model
- Noise emission from wind turbines in wake
- Measurement of high frequency surface pressure fluctuations for blade noise characterization
- Experimental Validation of TNO Trailing Edge Noise Model and Application to Airfoil Optimization
- CFD modellering af vindmøllerotorer
- A Stochastic Static Stall Model Applied to Wing Turbine Blade
- NACA0015 Measurements in LM Wind Tunnel and Turbulence Generated Noise
- Design of low noise airfoil with high aerodynamic performance
- Comparison and validation of trailing edge noise models
- Validation of and Airfoil Optimization with Trailing Edge Noise Model
- Design of High Lift Airfoils With Low Noise and High Aerodynamic Performance
- Pitot tube designed for high frequency inflow measurements on MW wind turbine blades
- A stochastic model for the simulation of wind turbine blades in static stall
- Solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on domains with one or several open boundaries
- Study of blade-tower interaction using a 2D Navier-Stokes solver
- Present status of aeroelasticity of wind turbines
- Numerical study of the static and pitching RISØ-B1-18 airfoil
- Solution of the Div-Curl Problem in Generalized Curvilinear Coordinates
- Experimental investigation and calibration of surface pressure modeling for trailing edge noise
- Profile catalogue for airfoil sections based on 3D computations
- Profile catalogue for airfoil sections based on 3D computations
- Aeroelastic simulation of a wind turbine airfoil by coupling CFD and a beam element model
- Computation of modal aerodynamic damping using CFD
- Udgivelse af profilkatalog
- Status for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver EllipSys2D
- Status på 2D CFD profilberegninger
- Numerical simulation of the Risø1-airfoil dynamic stall
- Numerical simulation of the Risø1-airfoil dynamic stall
- Wind turbine airfoil catalogue
- Computation of aerodynamic damping for wind turbine applications
- Conclusions from the comparisons of numerous 2D airfoil computations with experiments
- Status of airfoil design and plans for wind tunnel tests of new thick airfoils
- The next generation numerical wind tunnel (poster)
- Wind turbine aerodynamics using CFD
- EUDP Project: Low Noise Airfoil - Final Report
- Wind Tunnel Measurements at LM Wind Power
- Improved Trailing Edge Noise Model
- Wind Tunnel Measurements at LM Wind Power
- Wind Tunnel Measurements at Virginia Tech
- Comparisons between LES and wind tunnel hot-wire measurements of a NACA 0015 airfoil
- Trailing edge noise model applied to wind turbine airfoils
- Experimental validation of TNO trailing edge noise model and application to airfoil optimization
- Boundary Layer Measurements of the NACA0015 and Implications for Noise Modeling
- Trailing Edge Noise Model Validation and Application to Airfoil Optimization
- New insight into the flow around a wind turbine airfoil section
- New insight in the flow around a wind turbine airfoil section
- The next generation numerical wind tunnel (poster)
- Using the boundary element method for airfoil trailing edge noise prediction
- Wind turbine noise code benchmark: A comparison and verification exercise