- Experimental bottom trawling finds resilience in large-bodied infauna but vulnerability for epifauna and juveniles in the Frisian Front
- Drought, Mutualism Breakdown, and Landscape-Scale Degradation of Seagrass Beds
- North Sea demersal fisheries prefer specific benthic habitats
- Improving seabed substrate mapping with high-resolution bottom trawl data
- European coastal monitoring programmes may fail to identify impacts on benthic macrofauna caused by bottom trawling
- Conservation Implications of Sabellaria spinulosa Reef Patches in a Dynamic Sandy-Bottom Environment
- Measuring Centimeter-Scale Sand Ripples Using Multibeam Echosounder Backscatter Data from the Brown Bank Area of the Dutch Continental Shelf
- Quantifying habitat preference of bottom trawling gear
- Seafloor Classification in a Sand Wave Environment on the Dutch Continental Shelf Using Multibeam Echosounder Backscatter Data
- Linking the morphology and ecology of subtidal soft-bottom marine benthic habitats: A novel multiscale approach
- Integrating collaborative research in marine science: Recommendations from an evaluation of evolving science‐industry partnerships in Dutch demersal fisheries
- Video Transects Reveal That Tidal Sand Waves Affect the Spatial Distribution of Benthic Organisms and Sand Ripples
- Discovery of Sabellaria spinulosa reefs in an intensively fished area of the Dutch Continental Shelf, North Sea
- Survival of undersized plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), sole (Solea solea), and dab (Limanda limanda) in North Sea pulse-trawl fisheries
- Biodiversity and food web indicators of community recovery in intertidal shellfish reefs
- Seafloor Characterization Using Multibeam Echosounder Backscatter Data: Methodology and Results in the North Sea
- How habitat-modifying organisms structure the food web of two coastal ecosystems
- Industrial Fishing Near West African Marine Protected Areas and Its Potential Effects on Mobile Marine Predators
- Beyond connecting the dots: A multi-scale, multi-resolution approach to marine habitat mapping
- Seafloor communities and habitat disturbances in the North Sea